
mattie112 avatar image
mattie112 asked

Pinout RJ-45 on MultiPlus C 24/1600/40-16


I am looking for the pinout of the RJ45 port in the MultiPlus C 24/1600/40-16. According to this VE.Bus is/has a RS485 'connection' i'd like to tap into.

My idea is to have a nice raspberry-pi based solution to monitor the state of the system.

Thanks in advance!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

The documentation is pretty clear that Victron considers direct connection to Ve.Bus off limits. They give good reasons for this AND provide a workaround with the MK3 to USB adapter. The MK3 does lots more than just providing an isolated RS485 serial port, allowing the Ve.Bus to be monitored and parameters set without interfering with time-critical communications between coupled Ve.Bus products. Spend the $70 with confidence you won't crash your system.

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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @mattie112

Have you considered this? All the work has been done.. and continues..

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mattie112 avatar image mattie112 commented ·

Hi @JohnC yeah I did see that page and it looks great. However if I understand it correctly I still need to use a RS485->USB adapter (I have one that is isolated). And also if I am understanding it correctly the RJ45 on my MultiPlus should have RS485 on some of the pins.

But please correct me if I'm wrong!

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Take a look at the "Interfacing with VE.Bus products – MK2 Protocol" document.

But I don't think you will find a pinout and you will need a MK2/MK3.

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