My bus has a 24V alternator / starter setup. Seeking advice on a 24V leisure/office setup, as well.
I'm new to this. Does this setup make sense?
Panels: 4-6x 410W 24V / 49.5V Voc, 9.76A Imp each, used in PAIRS
- 2s2p LiFePO4 180Ah (total 600Ah effective to 80% DoD)
- 2s4p AGM 200Ah (total 600Ah effective to 50% DoD)
- 3x Victron SmartSolar 100/20s (3x = top, left, right of vehicle) MPPT-synced with new 1.49 / May update(?) to adapt to partial shade
- 1x BMV-712
- 1x BMS-12/200? Needed if each 12V 200Ah battery already has a cheap BMS built-in
- Something that can charge the 24V starter batteries as well? Recommend?