I have an AC current sensor monitoring the Solar power from my inverter but the reading is always too high. The inverter is 6KW so I have configured the AC Current Sensor DIP switches to 7kW. When its full sun outside the inverted display is reporting around 6K but the remote console via the assistant is reporting around 7.4kW. This error is consistently around 20% too high, ie, at 1k of generated solar is reported at 1.2K.
I have a Multiplus II 5kW, Venus GX and ET112 energy meter. I can even see how the algorithm works, assume my export is currently 0W, batteries are fully charged, the AC sensor is reporting 2K solar generation, it does a simple calculation that I'm using what's left over - ie 2kW of AC loads in my house. But I'm actually not and I've tested this, during a sunny day my inverter reported 6kW, the AC current sensor reported 7.4KW and loads were 2.5K, I turned every MCB off and the AC loads dropped to about 2KW, I then turned the inverter off and Solar plus AC loads dropped to 0W. I can see each time the sun comes out my Solar PV on the Remote console jumps up along with my AC loads jump up.
I've tried:
Rewiring it (no change)
Moving other AC wires away from the outside of current sensing loop to avoid interference (no change)
Changing the input from AUX to Temp Sens (no change).
Changing the DIP switches to a lower power setting as the sun was setting - this reduced the level of error and DIP switch 2 seemed to be all or nothing.
I've concluded that the AC current sensor is faulty - feel free to suggest otherwise.
Based on the fiddling around I've done, I think that if the assistant's expected full power could be changed from 7.5KW to 6KW then it would solve my problem or at least make it more accurate.
Sorry this is a bit long winded leads me to the question:
Is there a way I can edit the 7.5KW value in the AC Current Sensor assistant?