
zapp999 avatar image
zapp999 asked

Phoenix 12/375 not showing any load in the app

I use Phoenix 12/375, together with VictronConnect. VictronConnect shows no load on the "speedometer" nor in percent. All firmware is up to date.

I can use both Iphone and Mac to turn the inverter off and on.

Phoenix Inverter
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8 Answers
mickyritchie avatar image
mickyritchie answered ·

It could just be that your loads are too small to register - that's been my experience with the 12/375.

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spirou avatar image spirou commented ·

Same with 12/250. Nothing registers at least until 100W. I asked this same question a while ago. The answer was it's not a precise measurement device.

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netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Phoenix 48/1200 connected to Venus GX with 650W of Load ... But Victron Connect App displays only the colored Ring with "0" Watt.

Firmware is up to date

Somebody with the same problem?

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Fire Online avatar image Fire Online commented ·
Yes, I'm having the same issues with a 250 and 1200 watts. I pushed them to almost full capacity but it still shows 0%.
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


This is a common discussion here on the forums. It is a hardware limitation of the inverter.

We have a phoenix at home with a BMV, usually am more concerned about VA and consumption out the batteries than the load. So have a shunt on it.

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Fire Online avatar image
Fire Online answered ·

I got 3 Phoenix inverters, the 12 | 250, 12 | 1200 did show a load reading until I updated to the v1.30 firmware, now they show 0% load even though I got a load close to their full capacity connected. The white indicator on the scale shows a value but the scale goes up to 200 even though I got a 250 and 1200 watts inverter. On the VRM portal I do see the watts under AC Loads but on the VictronConnect app its all incorrect.


My third inverter is a 24 | 800 and it got the v1.27 firmware, now on the VictronConnect app it says its up-to-date but on the VRM portal it show it needs to be updated to v1.30.



Also, the scale shows 1600 but its a 800 VA.

Updating to the v1.3 firmware shows an incorrect scale and 0% load on the VictronConnect app.
I will update the 24 | 800 to v1.3 and post an update of what happens.

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Fire Online avatar image
Fire Online answered ·

Update on 24 | 800 Phoenix Inverter:
I updated to the v1.3 firmware and it is still working, it is still showing a VA reading. I guess the v1.3 only affect the 12 inverters.


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peter-3 avatar image
peter-3 answered ·

You are not missing anything getting a value .

under about 40 watts it show zero then jump to 100 watts with 45 watts . ( 28 watt increments )

it is totally non-linear and my 12 volt , 500 av phoenix overloads at 400 watts , so you need to add 200 watts first eg 600 watts before it will take 400 watts .

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Fire Online avatar image Fire Online commented ·

I'm pulling over 600 watts on this inverter and its still showing 0% load even though the white indicator shows its close to yellow.


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Fra avatar image
Fra answered ·

screenshot-2022-09-22-19-13-00-347-comvictronenerg.jpgFire online Is right.

ITS a firmware bug.

Nothing to do with accuracy of the inverter.

Before the update It shows NORMAL, now shows ever 0.

I have the same problem with 12/375 after some update.

Shame no one is tryng to fix the problem

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anglerfish27 avatar image
anglerfish27 answered ·

I have the same issue. I own a mix of 24/48V inverters that I use around the house with various battery packs I've built. Everything they are used for are low wattage. I have updated the firmware when I first connect on all of them version 3.5 if I recall.

The 48/375 is the only one of the 48V inverters (I have the 800 and 1200 as well) that shows the correct wattage ( a whopping 26 watts or 53 watts ) this is valid when compared with a Kill-a-watt meter. So what's going on? Why doesn't it work. When it clearly works on some inverters at very low wattages, nevermind the guy who has the same issue at 600w!!!

Victron needs to provide some answers. They should also explain why you cannot connect via BT to the Windows app. The "help" section says its not possible cause of Windows....what? Come on now. You need to give a way more deep technical explanation if you are going to make that claim. I'm going to test on a Mac and Linux machine and see if I can see the inverter.

I'm going to open a formal ticket with Victron as well on the wattage issue, the widget shows 1 bar of usage so its registering it, just not displaying the watts. When other Victrons all bought this year and updated to whatever the latest FW they push out via the BT app, do work with things as low as 26 watts (in fact it was doing a great job even with flucutations so it wasn't just stuck at 26, it would drop a bit, increase a bit too.

This is expensive equipment. You're telling us it's normal? No its a software bug because I have it working on some. A $15 Kill-a-watt meter can pull this off perfectly but the inverter that costs hundreds of dollars cant? Nah you can't make me believe that. If this was true then you should include it in your documentation....."Wattage below XXXX will not show up on the BT mobile app". I don't see that anywhere. It's a software bug.

I'm fortunate enough to have an advanced education in both computer programming and electronics as I have a degree in electrical engineering and work with both software and hardware on a regular basis.

We need a fix. If others out there have this same issue, PLEASE speak up, post here, the fact this thread is 2 years old makes me sad. The issue is still there. I want to hear from Victron employees, not people who have come up with how they "think" the hardware and software works.

I created an account just to be able to post on this thread when I started searching as I discovered I had the issue today. Please do the same! Takes a few seconds! Post and that way we can hold Victron to the fire to provide a fix or answers. See the problem is, at least for me, is I have seen it work already, so they will never be able to sell me on "its too small of a load to register". I'll try a much higher load and see what happens then.

Don't blame Windows and explain yourselves why your BT (proprietary to YOU) dongles will not talk to Windows. Feel free to go down into the weeds as deep as possible, I understand operating systems down to the assembly language level so lets here it.

For everyone else, stay safe out there, be kind to each other.



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