I've been using a 3-ph Quattro installation (Fronius AC-coupled) for a couple of months now and i love it. It works awesome.
Today i connected a 20kVA genset (Atlas Copco QES) and it didn't quite turned out the way i'd imagined.
The quattros noticed the genset and switched from grid to generator, and i thought all is well.
But almost immediately i noticed intermittent sounds from the quattros, and the amp meter on the genset jumped up and down (not much, but still not steady as i would liked).
Then after about a couple of minutes the quattros disconnect the genset and goes into inverter mode, and then back to genset again, and this process repeats itself.
It's a permanent installation in a house, its a permanent genset, i've got N+PE bridged in the genset, i've got N+PE bridged in my main AC-box and i've got the dynamic ground relay ON in the quattros.
LOM type B is used on both inputs.
Here's a screenshot of the vrm data:
Any thoughts on this problem? Have i overlooked something?
Kind Regards