
matt78 avatar image
matt78 asked

Generator charging with ccgx


Have a generator connected via relay in ccgx works fine starts when required.

Would like to use generator for large loads for example welding.

Can I put a switch in parallel with relay to manually start generator that is easy to access near welding area?

If so when manually turning generator on when welding will the ccgx isolate charging the batteries when they are full and running generator for hours not harm batteries?



CCGX Color Control
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harold avatar image harold commented ·

I think so, I want to do the same, a parallel switch to start the generator by an mobile connection (mobile phone)

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You didn't say anything about the rest of your system. But in general with Victron components all interconnected, overcharging the battery wouldn't be an issue.

You also don't talk about how your generator is connected, but I'd guess you could parallel a switch with the CCGX start contacts to manually start the generator.

You could also set up a condition in your Victron inverter to start the generator when the load is greater than a preset value. This might not work if your welder puts enough load on the inverter to cause a overload before the generator has a chance to start.

Again, it would help the community in answering your questions if you could provide more detail in your system.

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matt78 avatar image
matt78 answered ·

10kva quattro

2 x 150/70 mppt

1 x 250/100 mppt

24 x 800ah c10 gel



22kva 3 phase gen

All connected via ve direct with powered usb hub, gen connected to ac1.

Want to connect switch in parallel to relay of ccgx to start generator for welding which is connected direct to generator.

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