
craig-g avatar image
craig-g asked

I can't read discharge battery current

MPPT 75/15

Not connected to solar or shore power and fan speed 3 doesn't register as - current in the battery field.

ANY configuration NEVER shows - current. When solar is added I see + current.

Installation is EXACTLY as described in the manual and quick start diagram

In addition I have a BVm 712 connected and I get the same results under the same configurations as above.

Can this controller even show - current?



MPPT Controllers
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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

What do you mean by "fan speed 3" ?

Can you give us some pictures of the system and/or a wiring diagram?

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craig-g avatar image
craig-g answered ·

Thank you for your prompt reply. Please see the pdf, hopefully it will answer your questions so you can help me.

CG Wiring Diagram 5_12_20.pdf

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

The MPPT can only show it's own charging current(and loads connected to the load output of the MPPT).

Only the BMV can show you other (dis-)charge currents.

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craig-g avatar image
craig-g answered ·

Fan speed 3 is the exhaust fan inside the trailer that this system is a part of...

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craig-g avatar image
craig-g answered ·


I'm still researching and I found this comment in the

2020-04-09 22:06 1/21 VictronConnect - MPPT Solar Charge Controllers

Victron Energy -

VictronConnect - MPPT Solar Charge


"Battery - Current This reading shows the current flowing-to, or drawn-from the battery

terminals of the Solar charger. Note that in the case of the 100/20 Solar chargers and smaller -

which have a dedicated load output - a Positive notation alongside the current reading means

that current is flowing to the battery; whereas a Negative notation means that current is being

drawn from the battery."

The comment about the NEGATIVE notation is my question. Why can't I see NEGATIVE flow from the battery? Must there be a LOAD connected to the MPPT? If that is so, can I rework it so it shows me the NEGATIVE flow without a specific load attached to the MPPT?



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