
jan-bart avatar image
jan-bart asked

Multiplus II with Blue Nova Batteries going into Passthru mode every 10 days

Good Morning,

We have installed 2 x Multiplus II inverter in parallel with 3 charge controllers (150/35) and 12 kWh of Blue Nova Batteries working on a ESS system. 2 charge controllers are connected via VE_Direct cable and the last one uses USB connection.

Every +- 10 days the system goes into Passthru mode during the evening and wont come out of that mode unless the whole system has been rebooted. As soon as this happens the Charge controller connected via USB and the Grid meter show that it does not have connection with the color control (as shown in the picture below).

Device List:

VE BUS State:

AC Input Frequency:

What can be the cause of this, and how can one start to fix the problem?

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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @Jan-Bart You did not mention which GX device? At a high level, the problem appears to be with the two USB connected devices. Usual thing. Check and make sure the connections are sound. For least potential impact, swap MPPTs, also try disconnect the suspect usb mppt for a while and make sure the grid meter (ET112 or such I suspect) has good connections. My logic, it could be a bad cable / connection messing with the usb port given it is both devices or a bad circuitboard. Will take a process of elimination to find out which.

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jan-bart avatar image
jan-bart answered ·

Hi @ejrossouw. We are using the CCGX on site. I have replaced the CCGX after installation due to a faulty one that did not see the battery system. Thank you for the suggestion i will try that and see if the problem still arises, luckily it will point me in the same direction.

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