Good afternoon all,
A new version available, v2.60~15 this time. It mostly fixes issues raised since the previous version. For details, see below change list.
With regards to the planning, not much has changed: we are still working to finish a few last features, and after that we'll need to test & field-test this update of quite a while to make sure all works as it should.
In case you haven't read the previous changelogs, please do read them. There are quite some significant improvements in v2.60. The highlights are the addition of a feed-in limit, added ethernet-connected energy meters, updates on the NMEA2000-feature (addition of tanks), as well as many other improvements with regards to tank monitoring.
Change log v2.60~15
- Fix issue in the Analog inputs settings. They got lost when updating from v2.53 to v2.60. Not anymore. Thank you @Kai Curry & @Alan Peng for reporting.
- Fix issue in the PV Inverter settings
- ModbusTCP: fix missing change in the grid alarm registers. Now, the register has changed from 830 to 64, to match its new location in the VE.Bus section of registers. Earlier in v2.60 development, also the unit-id was changed. A breaking change that requires customers that use this register to update their ModbusTCP configuration, we know, and don't like it either - but saw no sensible other solution.
Note that there is one known issue of v2.60~15: the new Ethernet-connected energy meters can't be configured; this will be fixed in the next version.
More reported issues in v2.60~15 are still being- and/or will be looked into.
Best regards, Matthijs Vader
Ps. If you don't know what this post is about: this is about our GX Product range (CCGX, Venus GX, Cerbo GX, and so forth). This message is for all the members of the Beta test group. Information on how to join (and leave) that group.