
batteryb avatar image
batteryb asked

What is the deal with the MultiPlus Compact, vs. the Multiplus II?

I've been told by a seller (and found it here too), that the MultiPlus-II is the newer version and will most likely be supported for longer, since the Compact is being phased out. Is this correct?

I was planning on buying a 2000W (or even just a 1600W) model, and for backup reasons two of them, rather than one 3000W model. The Multiplus-II however is not available in the lower wattage versions. Wonder why, if the Compact units are being phased out.

Am not to keen on buying a "phase-out" product. On the other hand, they are known for reliability, as far as I can tell, while the MP-II might not have proven the same reliability yet.

Are lower wattage units of the MP-II planned, or will Victron just not serve the market for smaller wattage units with the ability to parallel the units any more?

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@BatteryB The way I see it is as long as you purchase units with the latest generation processors that can run ess (unless off-grid) and work with VictronConnect, you are well covered for the next 5 years and beyond. Your purchase should be best matched to a requirement and what is available today if you actually want to get up and running. As for what tomorrow holds ... who knows.

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cwoody avatar image
cwoody answered ·

Victron are known for their reliability and I am sure their new products will up hold this.

The 'new' Multiplus of the lower end are available, I'm looking to get one myself for my van conversion, have a look here:

They are just called Multiplus ( I know, a little confusing). The 500VA can't be paralleled but the 800VA to 1600VA can.

Hope that helps...

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batteryb avatar image batteryb commented ·

Oh - so the units called only "MultiPlus" is the new series, if one looks for smaller units than the MP-II? Now it somewhat makes sense. Thank you.

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porcini avatar image
porcini answered ·

I don't like the new 1600VA version. Go for the old one as long as you can get it. The 2000VA is the "old" model anyway.

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cwoody avatar image cwoody commented ·

Out of interest and as a prospective buyer of a new 1200VA version, what don't you like about it?

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