
ryan-williams avatar image
ryan-williams asked

Charge Voltage range of Multiplus 48V

I'm looking for a Inverter/charger for my 38V battery system (35V - 43.8V), I gather the inverter part of the Muliplus 48/5000 works down to 38V, I'd be happy to only use the 38-43.8V range.

However can I set the charge voltage to 43.8V? (the max allowable for my battery pack)

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Ryan Williams

The inverter will work down to 37.2V, but neither Absorb nor Float charge settings can be set below 48.0V.

I just went for a look on my own, and I very much doubt that newer firmware would change that much, if at all.. Sorry.

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