Hi There
I am solar installer, just bought the charger for my personal use.
I connected new MPPT100/30 charger to two 190w panels(Isc 5.36A, Voc 45.3V) in series and Calcium 12V deep cycle battery (720CCA).
Fist question.
MPPT charger only (PV +,-) connected to panels
Bule LED indicator is very bright and one minute later absorption LED comes on.
But, as you see the brightness is very weak and another one minute later float LED comes on.The green light is also very weak brightness.
Is the brightness is normal? and is normal working process? go to Blue-> orange -> green without battery connection?
Secon. question.
I connected MPPT charger to battery while the green LED comes on.
Once green light comes on, the MPPT charger never wouldn't go to bulk or absorption stage. Just keep on float, even if I changed battery to another one, the float LED keep on.
Continuously when I disconnect PV line and reconnect, the bulk LED comes on and 1 minute later move to orange LED comes on and few minute later(without no flickering) move to green LED.
The battery needs charge.
Is it normal condition?
Third question
So, I made Calcium 720CCA battery almost flat to make need charging. and I turned PV and Battery switch on.
First the bulk LED is on and few minute later move to Absorption LED and stay 30 minutes there and without flickering move to float LED.
Normally when I charge that battery with nomal AC power battery charger (with 4A), It would take one day to full. so I disconnected MPPT charger and reconnect normal AC power charger to battery. The AC power charger charged another 20 addional hours to make full battery.
I think somthing wrong. How do you think?
Last question
connection situation is below
The MPPT charger was connected from PV module and battery also connected and float LED comes on with clear weather.
With that situation, I used battery power a lot to make battery need charging but the MPPT charger never go back to bulk or absorption stage. Float LED keep on even battery terminal voltage go to around 10V. Next day, battery did not charged but float LED keep on.
I think is not normal?
If the MPPT is faulty, where can I get service? I live in Australia (Western Australia).