
waninae39 avatar image
waninae39 asked

mutiplus goes into INVERT mode and then disconnects ext AC

i have had the same setup for 2 years. now the MULTIPLUS 12v/3000W/50A is acting funny it is connected to an external 30 A source i have the BMV712 and the victron control panel When i add a 900 watt load, it immediately goes into INVERTING mode and disconnects the AC supply then the BMV 712 reports that the lion battery that was at 14.2V is now low at 11.46v 3 seconds later it switch to BULK mode, reconnects the external AC and the LION battery is now at 13.4v when the load is removed, it goes to ABSORB mode and the LION battery is now at 14.3v why is it doing this ? how do i fix this did something change with a FW update?
MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
waninae39 avatar image
waninae39 answered ·
the pics shows each stage can be found here in the airstream forum. i asked the same question there as i can no longer add pics to this forum
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Why two topics for the same problem?

The "AC 1" at the DMC you get because in the settings of the MultiPlus the "overruled by remote" option (shore limit in the general tab) is not selected.

The other problem can be caused by a weak AC input in combination with the settings for the transfer switch (grid tab).

If you updated the firmware of the Multi without making a backup of the setting (and load the settings after the update) you ended up with all setting at default.
(btw the latest firmware for your MultiPlus is 473)

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waninae39 avatar image waninae39 commented ·
i tried to update the fw to that version, but the windows app says i need a password from some distributor. there is no distributor around me within 500km. i did NOT buy it from a distributor. so why cant i get a password for my OWN system that i PAID for? poor support for end users. to keep there system updated(; the way uploads are done differently for each product is poor and outdated. please fix and allow users to update systems they own.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ waninae39 commented ·

The password you are looking for is available for everyone:


Use VEflash instead of VictronConnect to update the firmware there is no password needed but you have to download the firmware file separately from the Victron Professional Portal.

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waninae39 avatar image
waninae39 answered ·
tnx Matthias i got is updated with your help cheers
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