
outbackandy avatar image
outbackandy asked

EasySolar MPPT Modbus unitID illegal (273)

Hi to all,

Is there a mapped Modbus unitID for the MPPT controller part of the EasySolar product? The current UnitID setting of 273 is not in the legal Modbus address range and does not work.

I can successfully communicate via Modbus with the MultiPlus-II and CCGX parts of the system but cannot talk to the MPPT.

I have an EasySolar II 48-3000-35-32GX with the following firmwares:

MultiPlus II - 470

MPPT 250/70 - v1.46

CCGX - v2.52

I have checked the most recent Modbus TCP register spreadsheet version 2.51 and there is mapping for MultiPlus instance to unitID (275 to 228) but nothing for MPPT.

thanks for any help and kind regards, Andrew.

MPPT ControllersEasySolar All-in-OneModbus TCP
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1 Answer
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Solved when updated to venusOS 2.53.

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