
amar-dadamo avatar image
amar-dadamo asked

MULTIPLUS 2 AUX RELAY, is it possible to control it via SW?

To control manually the AUX RELAY via software, without setting any assistant, when the device is switched on, we set the ID 15 of the settings to 1 to turn on the virtual switch, then we control the relay with the Flag 26 of the virtual switch flags.

The problem is that if the Multiplus II is switched-off while the virtual switch is enabled, after restarting the Multi, the ESS Assistant is not working and it seems to be set in UPS mode. At this point if we disable the virtual switch (ID 15 set to 0) and switch-off the Multi using the command 'S' <Switch state> to 4 (to set inverter OFF), after turning it on again, the problem still remains.

If at this point we connect a Color Control GX to the Multi and use the command Multi->Advanced->SYSTEM RESET the inverter starts working correctly.

So the question is:

-is it possible, through MK2/3 protocol, to send a command equivalent to the CCGX's SYSTEM RESET to the inverter?

Otherwise, is there another way to control the relay via MK2/3 protocol?

Thanks in advance,


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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Amar Dadamo

I've moved your question to 'modifications'

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