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ole-otten asked

Control relay via Node-Red

Hello everyone,I want to control a total of 3 relays via Node-Red, I've now tried a few things. However, switching the relays doesn't work as it should. Relay 1 should switch as soon as >-2200W is measured on the grid meter. Relay 2 should switch when relay 1 is energized and the grid meter measures >-2200W. The same conditions apply to the 3rd relay.

As an example, relay 1 does not switch as soon as the power is >-2200W.

What could be the reason?

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Webinar Part 1 - Intro to Node-Red

Webinar Part 2- Basic Palettes

Webinar Part 3 - Advanced example

Victron Node-RED for dummies guide by Fideri

Node Red Community Space (normally hidden)

Venus OS Large (Node-RED) manual

Victron Node-RED github readme

Victron Node-RED custom nodes docs

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