i have a probleme with a bmv 700
one off my customer make a discharge test on a systeme with 24 V (2 bat agm 125Ah) .
he had fully charged individualy the batery before start the test.
the test start with a soc at 100 (on bmv and in real because the 2 battery was fully charged)
you can see below the test:
the probleme is he had just loking the soc and suddenly, all system broke done.
the theorical consumption is minimum 0.4A, the real cunsomption see by the bmv is 0.4 A
so if we calcul the Ah used, we arrived around 120Ah so it's look corect with the 125Ah off the battery, but the soc calculed by the bmv (around 50%)when shut down) is not good.
i had checked the bmv parameters, but it'look ok:
during the test there is only bmv, venus and the load conected and nothink conected between the batteri - and the shunt .
i don't anderstand why the soc is aproximatively 50% faults.
do you have an idee ?
best regards