
victron avatar image
victron asked

Can a Lynx Ion + Shunt be used as disconnect for non-Victron batteries?

(Both Power In's in this photo are configured so positive terminals are fused. MultiPlus configured as Parallel 120VAC. All devices are connected to VenusOS running on a RaspberryPi.)

Can I install a Lynx Ion + Shunt to use as an emergency battery disconnect even though I don't own Victron batteries? I can't tell from the documentation if Victron batteries are required. I also don't see a way to wire it for a remote switch for the main relay.

What I'm trying to accomplish is a physical external battery disconnect for Emergency Services. By turning this this switch to the off (open) position I want to disconnect the battery bank. And turn off the MPPT controllers if possible.

Being able to also use the BMV-712 to turn the main relay on and off would be ideal. This appears to be the only Victron device that might allow me to use it like a Battery Protect, but also allow charging from the MultiPlus'.

Thanks in advance!

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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Although the Lynx Ion has a remote switch terminal, it's not going to work for emergency purposes.
This is because it is push to turn on and push to turn off with the same contact. This could mean that, by activating the emergency switch, a fireman could turn the system on if it is already off.

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victron avatar image
victron answered ·

Does this connect/disconnect non-Victron batteries? I’m still unclear if the device has a switch to do that, or only uses software to tell batteries to turn off.

Being able to use this as an automatic safety disconnect switch for high/low voltage like I was able to with the battery protect would be with the price of admission for me. (The MultiPlus has killed the BP option in this system)

The remote switch I was thinking of mounting emergency services is an open or close circuit in a remote weather proof enclosure outside the structure. At least that’s how I’ve wired the MPPT and Battery Protect circuit in the past.

Is there documentation some place that explains how the remote on/off works? There are other types of switches that may function the way I would like it to. Blue Sea has rocker switches that press on and off for their remote switches and indicate their state.

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childcarepro avatar image
childcarepro answered ·

Sorry I can't help with your question, but just wanted to admire how clean your layout looks, especially the Lynx Power Ins joined by the Smart Shunt and battery disconnect. I'm guessing one Power In is combining your batteries and the other functions as your +/- busbars? I'm considering going a similar route with two Lynx Distributors and a Lynx Shunt. Your solution is missing a main battery fuse (at least not visible in the photos), my solution is missing a battery disconnect switch, forcing me to insert a battery disconnect switch the way you did, with a copper busbar where your Smart Shunt is.

The ideal solution for maximum functionality and maximum cleanness? Victron would upgrade their Lynx Shunt to include both a fuse AND a disconnect switch! And maybe include more features from the Smart Shunt like monitoring a second battery and possibly Bluetooth.screen-shot-2021-11-08-at-112923-pm.png

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