
johnlovas avatar image
johnlovas asked

Product damageg in postal from service!


I just picked up my Multiplus 24/5000 at Farco in Oslo, Norway. It has been at your service department in Denmark. RMA 262.788.

When unpacking it I discovered that the casing is damaged, it seems like it has had an impact under transport. The enclosure is bulky, and the button and leds in front is out of their holes.

What to do?

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@johnlovas I am sorry to hear that.

Was this in its original packaging? Are you able to log a compliant with the postal service? They have technically cost you your Victron warranty. I am not sure what Victron can do about the postal damage? Only they would be able to answer that conclusively, maybe contact your service centre who handled your RMA Claim and ask them directly.

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As Alexandra wrote: please contact your dealer / service center, as they are the one that can help you with this, and in most postal services, the sender is the one that can to do any claims.

I'll send you an email so you have a contact point if you need help with this.

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