
sprinterip65 avatar image
sprinterip65 asked

Can I run an Espar D2 in my Sprinter while the IP65 is charging directly connected to the chassis battery?

I attached the Blue Smart IP65 12/15 charger directly to my 2016 Mercedes Sprinter chassis battery via the M8 battery eyelets and the 2m long extension cable.

I have an Espar D2 that is directly connected to the battery, and the Victron eyelets are connected in the exact same place to the battery.

If I set the IP65 to 4A normal charge, and start the heater, would the heater be able to run at the same time as the battery is charging, or will I have some issues with power or surges or anything like that, leading to possible damage of the Espar D2 heater's ECU?

Any help / advice is greatly appreciated.

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spirou avatar image spirou commented ·

I'm assuming the Espar is referring to Eberspächer?

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2 Answers
sprinterip65 avatar image
sprinterip65 answered ·

I just want to confirm with everybody in the community that using the IP65 smart charger connected to the Mercedes Sprinter battery will let me run my Espar D2 heater without any problems when connected to shore power. I've done so successfully since February 2020 and no issues at all.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @sprinterIP65

You should have no issues doing that. Gotta stay warm.. :)

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