I would like to do the following with a programmable relay on our Quattro 48/5000 with CCGX running ESS:
By default, if there is a grid outage, AC2 automatically gets turned off by the Quattro. We have non-critical loads like pool pump, washer, aircons on Ac2.
If there is sufficient PV power as per the below screenshot then I would like to turn on the AC2 relay (AC2 relay is on in the below screenshot):
So these are the conditions I would like to use for the programmable relay:
Turn the relay ON if:
1. If battery dc voltage is over 50v (indicates we have PV power)
2. AC Loads are NOT greater than 2500w
3. There are no LED Low Battery warnings
4. AC1 is not available (grid outage)
Turn relay OFF if:
1. Battery dc voltage drops below 48v (no PV or low battery)
2. There are any low battery pre-alarms
3. AC1 is not available (grid outage) - this is so that Ac2 does not get turned off when there is grid power and we are running ESS
Below is a screenshot of how I have the assistants configured now:
What is happening now is that when there is no AC1 available (grid outage) then AC2 still stays off.
If I remove the assistants circled in red in the screenshot, then AC2 turns on during a grid outage.
There must be a logic conflict somewhere here.
If anyone see anything I've done wrong here, I would really appreciate some assistance.