
berocca avatar image
berocca asked

Smart Solar 75/15 Load not switching FW 1.46

I am new to Victron and have just installed my first MPPT regulator.

I have a SMART 75/15 controller connected to 150W Sunpower solar panel charging my caravan house battery.

I have a fridge connected to the LOAD terminals and with for the controller to cut out on low battery ie. 11.8v.

I have used both the Conventional algorithm profile and custom algorithum profiles and for the life of me can not get this to switch. When I change to Always on and Always Off the load will switch. I can then put it into an Auto profile and wait for the battery voltage to reduce below the minimum volts plus two minutes hysteresis but it wont change state.

Are there any known issues with firmware v1.46 that may cause this bug?

Any other suggestions?

MPPT Controllers
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5 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@berocca, can you confirm that you have removed the small black jumper in the VE.Direct port of the unit? The jumper affects the behavior of the "load" terminal, so if you have left the jumper in, but are using the app to configure the behavior of the load terminals, conflicts in programming may arise.

Please remove the jumper and reconnect using the app and re-enter your desired settings (just to lock them in with the jumper removed); please also check that you have the "streetlight" setting to "OFF", as this also affects the behavior of the load terminal.

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berocca avatar image berocca commented ·

@Justin Cook Thanks for your reply.

yes confirmed jumper is removed. I have a MPPT Control module but configure via Bluetooth iPhone app.

Streetlight is definitely off.

When I change the mode to always on or always off it changes state ok. I can put it back to use one of the algorithms and it starts the initial state ok but does not switch off when it should.

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berocca avatar image
berocca answered ·

Does anyone have any further ideas?

Programming appears fine. Load still not switching off when low voltage level passed.

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First idea that comes to my mind is update to firmware v1.47, which is the most recent firmware for your MPPT. Then see if the load switch works as defined.

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Ray avatar image
Ray answered ·

Have a read of this thread, warning it is very long but will answer your question.


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ttbb avatar image
ttbb answered ·


Check the RX port function settings. If 'load output configuration' is not set then set it to that.

rx-settings-02.png (65.3 KiB)
rx-settings-03.png (80.1 KiB)
rx-settings-00.png (260.6 KiB)
rx-settings-01.png (216.8 KiB)
rx-settongs-00.png (260.6 KiB)
rx-settongs-01.png (216.8 KiB)
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reichel avatar image
reichel answered ·

Same here. Did a capacity test on my battery using ~1,7amps resistor load (lamp) and ~1,5amps LED load. After the lower threshold was passed nothing happend for over 30min., even though I configured it using custom algo to switch off at 11,5V. It continued to empty the battery and did not shut off the load port as I would have expected. No PV was connected at that time. No jumper, no street light configured, no issues while connecting the load (temp. overcurrent, etc).

Using the most recent firmware as of today, v1.56, BT Firm v2.25, Bootloader v1.11, SmartSolar MPPT75/15, Serial: HQ19305xxxx, hw rev 01

Could have a the same root cause?

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