
enrique-marquez avatar image
enrique-marquez asked

How can I set the QUATTRO to "Charger Only" mode when batteries are low?

Hello, I have installed a Quattro 24/5000/120 in a boat and I would like to know if there is any assistant that puts the charger only mode when the battery bank is very discharged. The problem is that the boats are long unattended installation and when the port connection fails the inverter mode can drain the batteries and there are more important circuits that cannot run out of power, normally the automatic start of the moored generator is disabled
MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Hi @Enrique Marquez

If have a BMV and GX device, you can use the SOC from the BMV to shutdown the inverter. when AC is available, the unit will start up again, so basically it's doing the same as 'charger only'

when you combine this with a generator start/stop assistant (or you connect the generator to the GX device relay for ease of changing settings), and make sure that normally the generator starts before the inverter shuts down, you have a system that should work as intended.

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enrique-marquez avatar image enrique-marquez Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Daniël Boekel

I not understund shutdown, when turn off the quattro he no start whe AC return. Please you can explain more. If I do shutdown don´t have data of quattro in the CCGX and also I can´t start generator remotely for coupling to the boat.

Normally the srtat/stop generator only use when the boat is sailing o anchored when is in the port is desactivate.

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4 Answers
Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image
Riaan Barkhuizen answered ·

Hi @Enrique Marquez

On the front of the quattro there is a small switch in the middle of the unit. When you switch it to the bottom it will be in charger only mode.

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enrique-marquez avatar image
enrique-marquez answered ·
Hi, thanks for your response.

I need the change to do it automatically depending on the state of the batteries to have a reservation available for other more important services
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Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

In that case you can probably program the output relay on the CGX to give you some logic functionality based on battery SoC? Would this provide a solution?

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enrique-marquez avatar image enrique-marquez Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

This relay I use to Start/Stop generator, I can´t use for other uses.

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Riaan Barkhuizen avatar image Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

Seems that you can also load an assistant to disconnect AC2-out based on battery SoC, you will need to load two assistants since each assistant can only perform one operation. (Either on or off, not both).

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enrique-marquez avatar image enrique-marquez Riaan Barkhuizen commented ·

It is not possible to use the internal SOC assistants, because the ship´s battery monitor is external, because there are consumers in addition to the quattro.

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handy avatar image
handy answered ·

Hello, This is a good idea, and would live to see specific "assistants" within VE Configure for this. By far the best method would be to switch the inverter over to charge only as you leave the boat. A Digital multi controller would allow for this if access to the inverter is tricky. However theoretically It could also be automated with settings within in VE Configure 3 with some limitations.

Be aware that when the Ve configure software starts it states very clearly that the "program should be used by qualified personnel only. MISCONFIGURATION MAY LEAD TO DAMAGE."

In addition the quattro may require updating to the latest firmware.- this also should only be attempted by qualified persons.

for these reasons the official line would be to get a suitably qualified Victron Engineer out to set this up for you.

That said, default settings within the Inverter should include low voltage Inverter switch off. Although if integrated with solar panels the low voltage may not be reached in the daytime.

Within VE Configure 3 under the Inverter Tab there is the option to select an input DC voltage shutdown, restart and pre-alarm value.

In a addition to this on the same tab there is enable AES, which is affectively a low power mode for the inverter.

Furthermore utilising "assistants" tap it is possible to use a couple of assistants to logically drive the programmable relay which could achieve a similar outcome. There are a few ways to achieve this but it can soon get complex and there's clearly some advances with "Assistants" still to be made with this.

For example:

Programable relay=>Primary relay=> Set Relay Off=>State of Charge=> when SOC lower than 80%

Great question, :)

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enrique-marquez avatar image
enrique-marquez answered ·

I find 2 forms to do it:

1.- I use a litle relal with NO/NC connected directly to remote connector of quattro ( on-of-only charger ) in the diagram the letter "H". This relay is activate with de monitor only by low SOC, the other parameters that activate this relay are configured for no ocurrs alarm.

2.- In the boat there is a HMI with modbus-TCP. I do a litle script that modify the state of switch VE.bus, deppending of SOC a external monitor.

I think that is a very intersting option to added for new versión of GX famly.


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