
chris-raidler avatar image
chris-raidler asked

Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30 - Looks like it drains my source battery?

I have an Orion Smart 12/12-30 in charger mode in my car. Since I have it connected to my battery, it is the first time the car fails to start.

Even if it detects motor stop correctly and thus should stop current flowing from the source battery to the input, can it be that this device drains my source battery while having bluetooth on?

I did not see this device flashing any leds when input is disconnected but has fully charged batteries on the output circuit side. Does the device consume it's standby power from the input ciruit?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Chris Raidler, yes the standby current is taken from the source battery, not the auxiliary; that being said, standby current is <80mA, so if that drained your battery below starting voltage in a single night, this is a sure sign that your start battery was already badly depleted and should be replaced.

In the meantime, removal of the remote switch jumper or wiring a remote switch to the remote switch pins will fully shut down the unit and there will be zero quiescent draw.

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