
elena-van-hove avatar image
elena-van-hove asked

What is the VRM data acquisition method when set for various intervals of reporting?

Hello, my system is using the Victron Color Control GX for power monitoring. The data resolution is in 15 minute increments which is observed in the VRM portal. What value is reported every 15 minutes? Is it the real time power at the time? Is it an average over the 15 minutes? Is it the max over the 15 minutes?

Thanks in advance for any help!

VRMCCGX Color Controlremote console
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Elena van Hove

As I understand it, the readings are instantaneous, no averaging or max is reported.

The 'usage' type figures over a period should be derived directly from what the local kit is logging within themselves.

Remote Console (if you use it) is of course a continuous reading, and won't wait 15 min.

I personally prefer per-minute reporting, the data usage is minimal, and smoooths the graphs.

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elena-van-hove avatar image elena-van-hove commented ·

Unfortunately our remote sensing didn't allow for more granular data to be sent. The power data on the VRM portal has the characteristics of taking a 15 minute average. Do you know where I can find out more information about this to confirm its instantaneous?

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