First time poster. I have been using my Multiplus mainly as a battery charger successfully for about 4 months. I bought unit second hand and didn't realise battery charge settings could be changed via dip switches. The settings were such that at peak charge flow I tonged up to 70amps on the 24v side. This high charge rate was occasionally overloading my 3kva inverter generator causing the generator supply to fail, thus causing the Multiplus to cut in and out quite frequently from ac in. I suspect this has damaged a sensor or pcb component as now when I connect generator supply, the Multiplus senses the generator supply and after the set time attempts to transfer to ac in but immediately switches back to inverter mode.
I would ultimately like to diagnose this fault from home and order parts as the unit is working fine as inverter and I am currently powering my home off it.
any help would be much appreciated. thanks.
Model is PMP245021010
Serial is HQ14489ZIND