
brenneke avatar image
brenneke asked

Is Smart Battery Sense waterprooof?

My batteries in trailer RV are in boxes but are not sealed, will see road spray when traveling in wet conditions - is the Smart Sense waterproof?

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4 Answers
brenneke avatar image
brenneke answered ·

Please define "water resistant". I did describe what this unit will be exposed to, please give me your opinions on whether it will take it or not.

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kai avatar image kai ♦ commented ·

If its potted the potted elements will be water resistant (without defining what it means strictly). It doesn't mean water can't get to unpotted internal terminations etc.

The product doesn't have an IP rating as far as I can tell so regardless of forum responses the datasheet/manual is implicitly telling you to provide a benign environment.

That being said, the original quote was from Johannes who is Victron staff, so you're probably ok - without any guarantees.

If it were me I'd ensure that there is some form of physical barrier to prevent water being driven directly at the unit, ensure there is drainage so water can't pool around it, and take it for test runs.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ kai ♦ commented ·

"That being said, the original quote was from Johannes who is Victron staff, so you're probably ok - without any guarantees."

Just to be clear on this point, that comment was regarding the original black SBS.

The construction and water ingress factor of the newer, long range blue SBS is not clear.

Another point about potted electronics. I would not consider them to be able to withstand submersion, or spray from a pressure cleaner.

A known point of failure for potted electronics, is waters ability to wick into the electronics via the wire's cable strands (capillary action).

Maybe someone with a blue SBS could comment on its construction.

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brenneke avatar image brenneke kai ♦ commented ·

I will install a vented enclosure around it that will prevent direct contact with rain or splash - thank you!

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Hi Brenneke,

The black model is water resistant.

I don't know if the long range blue model has the same rating.

sbs.jpg (18.4 KiB)
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brenneke avatar image
brenneke answered ·

I do have the long range blue model. "Water resistant" might not cut it, maybe I should come up with something to protect it to be safe?

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brenneke avatar image
brenneke answered ·

I would guess the blue model would be built the same. Where did you get this info about water resistant? I have not been able to find anything whatsoever on water resistance.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Hi Brenneke,

The info is from the manual in the comments section, and refers to the black SBS.

You have the blue SBS? Is the case filled up with epoxy (potted)?

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brenneke avatar image brenneke klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Lol....maybe drill into it to check?

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