
Mark avatar image
Mark asked

Viewing kWh exported to grid in ESS system on VRM

Is there a possibility of data logging/viewing the grid exported KWh's on the CCGX in combination with the ET112 in an ESS system.@mvader

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·


It is possible to see how much has been exported to the grid by using the Advanced section of the VRM page, and then exporting the AC-Input data to Excel

If you sort this data by size, you can seperate out the negative amounts, and that is the export component.

I agree that there should be an easier way to see this in the default interface. I will try to see if I can get this added to the VRM development.

There is a similar request answered here:

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ronski avatar image ronski commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) Any chance of getting export added to the grid view on the VRM please, it seems to be missing. If you select the solar option, then it shows how much solar went to the grid, obviously that doesn't take into account what's exported from the battery, it would make sense for the grid view to show total exports.


I know it is shown when overview is selected, but its rounded up or down to the nearest whole unit, and the breakdown doesn't show it either, so cant easily get an exact value.


Does anybody know if total export is available in Node Red?

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gridview.jpg (65.1 KiB)
overview.jpg (57.8 KiB)
freddyuk avatar image
freddyuk answered ·

I checked this on my system as I am not sure if I am exporting or not. My AC input never goes below the 0 value even though my CCGX shows exporting value when solar is good. The System Grid chart does show negative values.

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