
dgorman avatar image
dgorman asked

Lynx Shunt doesn’t show SoC


I have a lynx shunt (and distributors white BattleBor. Batteries connected to them) and the Lynx shunt matches my BMV settings exactly. I don’t see SoC with the lynx shunt even after doing a reset. Changing the battery monitoring from the BMv to the Lynx is how I see there is no SoC info. Does the SoC only work with victron batteries?

lynx shunt
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Dgorman,

The Lynx Shunt will work with any battery system. The out of the box behaviour between the two may be different, with the BMV perhaps set to start at 100% (regardless of what the real battery state of charge is), and the Lynx shunt set to 0%, until it can calibrate itself to know the battery is full and count from there.

Has the Lynx Shunt seen a couple of full discharge and recharge cycles where the battery was substantially discharged, and then recharged to the parameters set in the Lynx shunt, so that it can calibrate its State of Charge?

Also, it is a little unusual to have both in one system?

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dgorman avatar image dgorman commented ·


The Lynx has been installed for months, the batteries have see about 10% discharge. I can substantially discharge it and see if that works.

I'm running just the GX and when I walk into the RV don't want to have to require using an iDevice to see battery state so I use the BMV as an "analog" way to seeing battery state.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ dgorman commented ·

Why have the Lynx Shunt and not just the BMV then?

Do you have the VRM site id? Then I can have a closer look.

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Mark avatar image Mark commented ·

The ‘synchronisation to 100%’ button/feature doesn’t work on my Lynx shunt running firmware V1.08.This bug was reported to Mathis approx 16 months ago!

Very frustrating!

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dgorman avatar image
dgorman answered ·

Ha, looks like it just synced!

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic