
cavalier avatar image
cavalier asked

Skylla-IP44 12/60 powers on with Incompatible Hardware error

The charger is installed on a yacht. The two of the positive outputs are connected to two Stark Power 200A 12v LifePO4 batteries and the negative to a negative bus with shunt. Volts, Amps and Amp Hours are monitored remotely.

The unit is powered by 220v 60Hz single phase shore power supply. Live/Hot, Neutral and Ground are tested and correctly wired.

After showing Error 118 incompatible hardware the unit was replaced by the Victron agent..

The replacement unit is now showing the same error. Performing a system reset to default and then repeating the set up procedure including (64) lock settings does not remove the error.

It appears from the set up menu that the unit switched to 24v and 30A output - these settings cannot be modified even when System Reset to default is performed.

The unit is running Software Version 1.02

As I have now had the same fault on two seperate chargers I would be interested to know if anyone has a similar experience?

battery charging
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6 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Dear all,

Just an update in case anyone finds this thread in the future. After more back and forth than should have been necessary; all issues were finally fixed in Skylla IP44 firmware version v1.07 - released on February 21st 2020.

for anyone looking to update a Skylla IP44 to that version, the easiest way is to do that using VRM Remote Firmware updates , though that does require an internet-connected GX Device to be present.

Change log is available on

And getting updated good working units to the OP (Cavalier) was managed outside of community.

Best regards, Matthijs

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Allan Yates avatar image
Allan Yates answered ·

I run a pair of Skylla-IP44 12/60 units, synced together. A variety of intermittent errors have been reported at power up, requiring a power cycle to clear.

One error I have noted was "Incompatible Device 66". Which indicates the configurations of the units don't match. Which of course they did, and they came up from following another power cycle.

Basically it appears the various busses don't power up cleanly, resulting in garbage data being treated as valid. Speaking as someone in the software development and QA profession, the firmware on this unit needs some robustness work performed.

But if I read you note correctly, a power cycle isn't resolving your issue.


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cavalier avatar image cavalier commented ·

Your reply makes sense Allan, and yes, you read my note correctly.

That said, I've powered up the unit again after another 24 hours and it has now come up as normal, 12v and outputting 60 amps.

When this error occured on this unit, as with the previous unit, it occurred on power up. When the unit is left on it appears stable.

One thought that supports your theory; I have a rotary selector switch to select between shore power and generator, this is switched off prior to disconnecting shore power to leave the dock and then switched on after reconnecting. It's possible that this is not switching cleanly. I will in future switch off the IP44 at it's breaker before operating the rotary switch.

Still curious as to why the power cycle and system reset would not clear the error initially.

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cavalier avatar image
cavalier answered ·

Further to my previous two posts. I have now ruled out power switching by only switching the unit off and on at it's dedicated breaker.

The unit has again powered on showing error 118 incompatible hardware'.

Again, system reset, cycling the power both with batteries connected and with batteries disconnected does not resolve the issue.

I am surprised Victron have no comment on the issue.

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Allan Yates avatar image Allan Yates commented ·

Don't get me wrong, I love Victron equipment. But my experience is that when Vendors are silent on obvious issues, it is a clear indication that they are well aware of the issues, but have no plans to address them :(

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Allan Yates commented ·

Hi @Cavalier, @Allan Yates

I've just read this topic today.
I've asked internally, no answers yet... if there was / is a known issue, we would certainly tell you. I hope to have some answers / suggestions shortly.

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cavalier avatar image cavalier Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Daniel,

It is hard to believe that this is not 'a known issue' within Victron Energy.

This issue was reported to David Romero of on January 1, 2019. I received the following reply on January 3, 2019;

'Sorry to hear of the problems. We do not have a solution at hand, so we had reached out to the manufacturer and pasted your email along for their input. Reply may take a couple of days and we will let you know what the next step would be.'

I received a further email from emarine Service and support team as follows;

'We contacted Victron, USA office directly after receiving your earlier email as the problem you encountered is not known by us. They too did not have a solution and they were to contact with the factory engineers in the Netherlands to try to get an answer. With the holidays and all I am sure things have been backed up as Victron is usually very responsive and supportive of their customers.'

(Underlining and bold text added for emphasis).

I received a further email on January 11, 2019 as follows;

'According to the Victron Service Department, this is a software related issue that could be solved with a firmware upgrade, however, you would need a Color Control GX or Venus Gx and a solid internet connection to the VRM Portal to perform the upgrade.From your earlier email this does not sound like an option.'

(Underlining and bold text added for emphasis).

I received a further email on Jan 18, 2019;

'Good news I received confirmation that Victron will be replacing the battery charger...'

In light of the above and including the fact that the unit was replaced under warranty, it would appear that this is indeed 'a known issue'. known to both eMarine Systems and to Victron Energy for more than a year now.

On January 3, 2020 and again on January 9, 2020 I emailed eMarine Systems and the parties involved in the January 2019 correspondence setting out the fact that this issue has again appeared. I have to date received no response from any of the following;

2020-10-1, Moderator edit: I removed the email addresses, no need to put them here in public.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ cavalier commented ·

Thanks for the detailed post, Cavalier! See my answer; it was a known issue - but a fixed known issue. What needs doing is making sure the unit is firmware updated and/or replaced with an updated unit - whatever is best in this situation.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi all, we have sorted various issues, including the mentioned “incompatible hardware” error, in firmware update

please update to the latest version, v1.05. Released four months ago.

Files and how to update are all on

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Ps thanks for the detailed and good report!

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cavalier avatar image cavalier mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Both units are now upgraded to 1.05 firmware and yes mvader you have 'sorted various issues, including the mentioned “incompatible hardware” error, in firmware update.

One unit now comes up as 24v charger but no longer displays the “incompatible hardware” error,. The unit starts up and remains in storage mode. I ran this unit until the battery voltage reached 14.6v before shutting it off. You are no doubt aware that absorption voltage is 14.2v.

I swapped to the second unit which also starts up in storage mode.

I have now discharged the 400 amp battery banks by 50% and with voltage at 12.9v started the charger. It again comes up in storage mode, initially charging at 55 amps and quickly dropping to 40 amps, after about 20 minutes it is down to 30 amps and continues dropping slowly.

This is nowhere close to the specification.

Is it now time for Victron to come clean on this issue?

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cavalier avatar image cavalier commented ·

Should I now be happy that Victron Energy have now finally admitted the 'incompatible hardware issue' was in fact known to the company as early as January 2019 if not before?

I am a customer not a detective.

To me, as an end user, it is incomprehensible that a company such as Victron Energy would supply a replacement unit while knowing full well that such replacement unit was running the same defective software version, 1.02 and would therefore likely prove equally unreliable.

Victron Energy now seek to proudly announce 'we have sorted various issues,'

I and I believe many others purchased the Skylla IP44 with the implicit understanding that this was a rugged a reliable battery charger.

The fact that a clearly identified and recognised software issue affecting this equipment has been known to Victron Energy for more than a year without acknowledgment or specific action speaks volumes.

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ cavalier commented ·

Hi @Cavalier

I've found the support ticket from January 2019, reasons for replacing the units then were: customer is very remotely without a possibility to update the firmware on site, plus that we did not know for sure if the firmware update would have fixed the problem.

So to safe you possible extra downtime we replaced the units then.

The fact that your dealer sent the new units without new firmware in it is off course not good! and I should have checked the firmware number you mentioned in the opening post.

No one is hiding anything, everyone that registers can see the firmware change log documents.

No one has told that there were no known issues, it's just me that overlooked the firmware number, my mistake.

You as a customer don't have to be a detective, your installer / dealer is the first point of support, when a problem arises, he/she should have the knowledge to check for firmware updates, etc.

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cavalier avatar image cavalier Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Daniel,

With regard to 'You as a customer don't have to be a detective, your installer / dealer is the first point of support,;

I have now received an email from eMarine Systems Support Team which contains the following;

'It’s possible certain settings are either being over written, or not saved, or there is some other form of corruption on this new unit. I have to look into your particular unit’s datasheets and user manuals to see about physical dip switches playing a role. When we were setting up a Multi-plus Compact we kept erasing are presets by doing the dip switch toggling out of sequence it was tricky at first, maybe your having a similar problem.'

As you are no doubt aware, there is no mention of Dip Switches or Dip Switch Settings in the supplied Skylla IP44 user manual or installation instructions.

I have been charging onboard lead acid batteries for more than 20 years with a Xantrex 2/40 charger. When I upgraded the batteries to LiFePO4 I decided to also replace the alternator with a Balmar alternator with MC 614 regulator and to replace the Xantrex charger as this was specifically designed for lead acid charging.

I purchased and installed the IP44 myself in August 2018. After operating on several different shore power supplies and on a 230v 50Hz generator for four months the problem first appeared in December 2018. The unit was replaced in January 2019 and I installed the replacement unit in August 2019. The problem again appeared on the replacement unit under the same operating conditions in December 2019.

I am now faced with the option of charging with the 20+ year old Xantrex charger or going to the boat to run the engine..

The IP44 is sold by Victron as a rugged and reliable stand alone battery charger. The included installation instructions make no mention of the need to check for firmware updates. Neither does the included documentation make any mention of the need for the customer to purchase additional hardware in order to perform firmware updates.

No has the experience over the last 18 months taught me that I do need to be a detective, it has also taught me that I have inadvertently signed up to a rather expensive 'Science Project'.

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cavalier avatar image cavalier Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Updating to v 1.05 has removed the incompatible hardware error message but not the error that triggered the message. In addition, the chargers now operate only in storage mode regardless of battery voltage or state of charge.

This issue has been going on for more than eighteen months and is no closer to being resolved.

See my reply to mvader (Victron Energy Staff)

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Allan Yates avatar image
Allan Yates answered ·

"please update to the latest version, v1.05. Released four months ago."

Now interestingly, according the the firmware change log, the 118 incompatible hardware fix was actually included in the v1.04. back in Jan 2019.

However, in the reported general power-up instability, I was running v1.04 on both our chargers over the summer. This was when the crew reported issues. I had already upgraded to v1.05 when I was informed of this. My subsequent testing to reproduce the issues was unsuccessful. So anecdotally points to v1.05 improving power-up robustness.



P.S. Coincidentally, I had a different firmware issue manifest itself today:

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cavalier avatar image cavalier commented ·


FYI, both units are now upgraded to 1.05. See my reply above to mvader (Victron Energy Staff).

Clearly this new firmware update was released with little or no testing.

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Patrick de Backere avatar image
Patrick de Backere answered ·


On the mean time i have the unit with me and update it from 1.02 to 1.05. The error 118 is away but the display show me 24 volt and is a 12 volt charger. If i measure on the terminals its on 12 volt.

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Patrick de Backere avatar image Patrick de Backere commented ·


At the moment the display is on 12 volt,

The unit was purchased in the US, I'm a dealer in the Philippines.

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