I have a bank of 4 lithium batteries installed in a remote site, off-grid, 100% solar, no generator backup, about 200Ah capacity. SOC readings from BYD B-Box were hopelessly unreliable apparently because my typical background draw was 'too low' to be noticed by the BYD B-Box and was thus ignored, so SOC appeared to merrily sit at about 100-99% for days and days despite heavy cloud-cover (while system was in fact slowly discharging) until suddenly voltage reading on the battery started to drop (for lithium, when voltage drops you're almost dead), at which point the BYD B-Box would suddenly realise and over the course of just a few hours crash from like 99% down to 30% then 20% etc, causing panic at our end. So, to fix this, we bought and installed a dedicated current shunt 'BMV-712 Smart' and set this to be the battery level calculator... it gave much more realistic values, showing gradual, minimal decay each night, followed by solar recharge each morning, perfect. These correct/realistic values show up as SOC on the Colour control, and the online portal display etc. Great. But...
The problem is that it seems that the system's internal calculations that it uses for email alerts and red 'alerts' on the online portal etc are all somehow still using the old BYD B-Box reading, and worst, that the system's internal shut-off when it reaches almost empty, is also using this incorrect BYD B-Box value, causing the system to shut-off when there is in fact heaps of power left in the battery. Just today BMV-712 Smart showed 100% SOC (which I feel was perhaps accurate) while at the same time BYD B-Box reading was just 9% SOC, both showing a healthy 52V. A few hrs later when the sun went down, the system shut down because BYD B-Box reading thought it had run out of power!
How do I get the system to ignore the BYD B-Box readings and only use the BMV-712 Smart SOC readings? I have selected the BMV-712 Smart as the battery monitor but that only seems to use BMV-712 Smart for the 'displayed' SOC, while internally for alerts/shutdowns etc it is still using the BYD B-Box values!!?!
Can I just unplug the BYD cable from the batteries going to the Colour Control display? Or?
Thanks very much anyone who has any tips here! I'd really appreciate it,