Have the following setup:
Three 15 kVa Quattros
Four 250/100 Smart solar MPPTs
185 kWh lithium battery bank 16s8p configuration
60 330 watt panels
The battery is configured to have a max volt of 65.6 volt and the MPPTs are configured to charge up to that voltage and they do that if i unplug the comm cable to the Quattros. But as soon as i connect it back the MPPTs are ramped down to zero production. The MPPTs start charging when the voltage is below 64.x isch. My conclusion is that the Quattros are limiting the charging since they are only able to charge with their internal charger up to 64.4 volt. The REC BMS reports that charging can continue at full cream but the Quattros says no for some strange reason.
Any tips on how i can configure the Quattros to not limit the charging voltage in my setup?