
Martin avatar image
Martin asked

Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger constantly restarting

I have recently replaced my shore power charger with a new Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger along with three Victron 110ah batteries.

I've updated the firmware and mostly it's all working ok. But sometimes when I switch on the power the controller just constantly resets itself. All the lights come on, the bluetooth connection is there and then all the lights go off and it restarts. This repeats.

I can stop this resetting cycle by catching the bluetooth connection and switching to "power supply" and then returning to "charger".

Could this be a problem with the AC supply?

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frankcilo avatar image frankcilo commented ·

Anche io ho lo stesso problema, cosa devo fare?

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skippeer avatar image skippeer commented ·

Have also experienced this behavoir multiple times.
Last time I tried to charge was the shore power fuse disconnecting our boat.

What is the root cause?
Software error without a defined error code or what?
Is there a known fix to this symptom?

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3 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Martin

That could indeed have to do with the AC supply, but if you ruled that out, please contact your distributor / dealer for advice

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frankcilo avatar image
frankcilo answered ·
I have same problem too, why did you cancel my post?
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skippeer avatar image
skippeer answered ·

Contacted dealer 2021 and the Victron support in Sweden claimed that this was an unknown issue.....

I returned my device and got a new one which I installed 2 months ago,. Working fine now

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