
mohax97 avatar image
mohax97 asked

Can the charge controller connected directly to an antenna to send data over the Antenna instead of using the Bluetooth dongle and without a raspberry pie ?

VEConfigure 3
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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @mohax97. The short answer is no. The smartsolars have a built-in bluetooth and bluesolar models use the dongle otherwise it is connected to a GX or similar with Ve.Direct.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Take a look at the LoRaWAN modul.

You can connect this via to your MPPT an it will send data to the VRM portal.

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mohax97 avatar image
mohax97 answered ·

Hi @M.Lange and @ejrossouw,

So what I am trying to do on my project is to hook the Victron charge controller to a 5 port Ethernet to carry the data to an internet driver and from there it is sends the data over the internet through the antenna. The thing is that will the 5-port Ethernet work as the VE.Direct, instead of using the long distance internet can we just put the data on the Ethernet bus and transmit it over?

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Hi @mohax97 It may be worth looking up the protocol whitepaper. Well beyond my area of expertise. Since there is a to USB interface, it may possibly to connect that to an usb/ethernet hub, but more importantly, what will interpret or receive the data in your case?

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mohax97 avatar image mohax97 ejrossouw commented ·

I will be using a router board that in it is role is going to transfer the data somewhere else.

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