
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

How can i stop ess taking grid power on high loads?

I have a 10kva multiplus 2, and 42kwh battery bank, but when I use high loads of around 6kw (when cooking food, with hob, air fryer and microwave running at the same time) I find that the system draws about 3kw from the grid and around 3kw from the batteries, is this normal? Surely ess should never draw from the grid unless soc is low, but in my case it's over 90% soc. I have not set an inverter power limit, so the inverter should provide at least 8kw before the grid assists. How can I stop this high grid draw?

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1 Answer
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@mfred68 How are you wired ACin and Critical Load monitor Critical Load only? Multiplus and load. What batteries do you have?

Start the topic over here

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·
Before I start in Discourse this topic.

I'll answer your questions here so I don't lose this tread.

I'm wired directly to the grid on the ac in, and only ac out 1 is connected, ac out 2 is not used.

I have never seen a critical load monitor, where can I find this as I was not aware of a critical load monitor?

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