
stokey avatar image
stokey asked

Connect all -ve leads to bmv shunt?

I have 2 leisure (house) batteries, 1 under each front seat of my van, connected in parallel. My positive comes off LB1 under the drivers seat and goes to my fuse box, which is earthed to a seat stud bolt. My -ve comes off LB2 -ve under the passenger seat, and goes to a seat stud bolt under that seat. When I place the shunt under the passenger seat, do I have to reroute the -ve from the fuse box so it also goes to the shunt? Thanks.......

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

If you place the shunt like so, it should work:

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stokey avatar image
stokey answered ·

M. Lange, thank you for the answer.

I received another answer from a vehicle electrician saying the same thing.

He mentioned that the -ve cable from the Fuse Box should be as short as possible, so do not extend this.

He also said that taking the +ve to the Shunt from LB2 +ve is ok, since the current is very small, rather than funning a wire from LB1 +ve.

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