
hereandthere avatar image
hereandthere asked

ESS Scheduled charge not starting

Hi all,

this topic is discussed many times in the past; I know, I've red them all but without luck unfortunately.

Is there somewhere a flowchart or truth-table to understand which conditions have to be met to start a scheduled run?

What I am simply trying to do is do a full charge every day because my solar yield isn't sufficient to do a charge during the day. Even more so in winter time

here is a brief overview of the setup:

-Easysolar GX

-10Kw lead-carbon

-minimum SOC set to 45%

-ess set to green mode

-2kw solar

Any help would be appreciated much,

thank you


ESSDESSscheduled charge
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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The schedules are purely time-based, It will run from the start time set, for the duration configured.

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hereandthere avatar image
hereandthere answered ·

Dear Nick,

Yes I understand that but it just doesn't start at that time!

o and of course; the ESS mode is set to: Optimized Without Battery Life

Some users suggested that it had something to do with the UTC time zone settings but I tried that without luck.

Setting the ESS mode to: Keep batteries charged does charge but then I have to switch off this option every day which is highly inconvenient.

any tips ? thanks !

o and what I forgot to mention; in Green mode during the day some pink bars do appear (grid to battery) but the bars keep moving forward in time until the prices are high again without any full charging? maybe this has something to do with eachother?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Is the configured SOC for the schedule above the actual SOC?

If it was timezone the schedule would run, just later.

What does the remote console show when the schedule is supposed to be active?

Does the schedule itself change to active or remain marked as inactive?

Are you mixing up DESS with ESS? They are different - ESS has no green mode.

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hereandthere avatar image
hereandthere answered ·

Hi Nickdb,

unable to insert images getting this 'parse response error' tried with different browsers.

What you are trying to say is; in ESS you can do scheduled charge, in DESS you can't because the algorithm from the portal is taking over right ?

So the $1M question is: why does the system not charge when the prices are low to 100% in green mode?

thanks and nice evening

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
I can’t help you with DESS. There seem to be some issues, but generally resolved with current GX and system firmware.

Re posting issues, follow the pinned announcement and repost on the new forum rather.

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hereandthere avatar image
hereandthere answered ·

Thanks a lot!

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Related Resources

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What is ESS training video

ESS Quick Installation Guide

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