
gustav74 avatar image
gustav74 asked

Unable to connect with Multiplus via MK3 USB


I am installing a system using Multiplus charger/inverter. I need to configure the Multi. Hence communication between PC (Lenovo Win10) and Multi is required.

I have installed the VE configure III and I have a MK3 USB interface.

When I let the VE Config auto detect nothing happens i.e. the programme is doing a search and eventually times out.

When I try manual connection to e.g. Com3 an error message apperas saying "Cannot open Com3" - it does not help to change Com port no.

I have removed and re-installed the MK3 driver. In device manager I am able to locate the virtual serial port i.e. that part seems to work fine.

I have also tried to use the VE Bus Quick Configure software - and the error is the same

Any good suggestions?

p.s. I have tried on a different Multi and the error message is still the same. I have not tried a different PC yet - not so easy due to remote location

Multiplus-IIVEConfigure 3MK3
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8 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Could you please try VictronConnect?

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gustav74 avatar image gustav74 commented ·

I have tried on both Multi's - no device found in both attempts.

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@Gustav74, Com3 is your USB port, so the error seems to be indicating that the MK3 is not able to communicate with your USB port, or vice/versa.

I've encountered this once before and I still don't know exactly why, but the way I fixed it was by downloading and installing the entire "VE Configuration Tools for VE Bus Products" package, which includes a set of USB drivers that in theory is the same set as the one you can individually download... but, for some reason, the USB driver package that comes with the "Configuration Tools" package solved my problem.

Download that toolset directly here

Once that's installed, restart your computer and try connecting again, even through VictronConnect, and I bet it'll work this time... let us know!

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gustav74 avatar image
gustav74 answered ·

@Justin Cook, Thanks for the feedback. Would you recommend uninstall of the "old" set of programmes prior to complete package download?
Unfortunately there will be a little while until I'm back on the site - but I'll let you know if your tip did the trick (Y)

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

@Gustav74, no I highly recommend that you keep all available tools from Victron loaded on your computer; one never knows when one tool will do the trick when another doesn't! Better to be over-prepared than under!

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gustav74 avatar image
gustav74 answered ·

Hi @Justin

I gave up on my computer and used a different. Connection is on - so far so good.

Any chance you know if I can use multiplus ii for L1 and L2 and then a multiplus for L3?
VE config complaints about firmware.
Is it “just “ Update firmware on the multi?

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fredericmora avatar image fredericmora commented ·

Hi @Gustav74, I am exactly in the same configuration you were (Multiplus 12/1600, Lenovo on Windows 10/64bit) and I can't connect. it seems there is the USB controller fails to recognize the MK3 device. Have you found a way to fix your problem?

Thank you.

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fredericmora avatar image fredericmora commented ·

Sorry, forgot to attach the error message. Needless to say that I have already tried to update the drivers.

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gustav74 avatar image gustav74 fredericmora commented ·

Hi @fredericmora I ended up using a different PC and it all worked fine. The other PC was HP
I have no clue why Lenovo did not want to work with the MK3

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blond2silver avatar image
blond2silver answered ·

Hello, From experience, if the CCGX or Venus gateway is plugged into the Multi, the auto-detect does not connect the MK3.. In this instance, by manually selecting Com3, I have found that the MK3 will connect even while the CCGX is still plugged in. For this install, not having to remove the Multi cover for VEconfigure changes with the MK3 is my preference - meaning, not having to remove the Multi cover. Otherwise, if you'd rather remove the Multi cover, and plug in the MK3, "I think" Victron's preferred solution is to disconnect the CCGX or Venus when making Multi changes with the MK3 and VEconfigure.

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marius-le-roux avatar image
marius-le-roux answered ·

Had the same on my Lenovo...It seems Lenovo has a driver pre installed that it associates with the serial converter in the MK3. My MK3 worked on sites with a single inverter but not on ones with more than one inverter. To solve this you have to uninstall the "USB Serial Converter" in the Device manager. You will then see the MK3 coming up under Other devices with an exclamation mark next to it. Right click on it and install the drivers that you download from the VE.configure software. Make sure your laptop is not connected to the internet while you do this.

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techmuc avatar image
techmuc answered ·

Very old thread, but if it helps anyone else: Downloading and installing the drivers manually from (VE.Direct/MK3 USB drivers) solved the issue for me.

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Nicolas avatar image Nicolas commented ·
Thank you, that worked for me

The only solution that worked in that thread.

Thanks again, you made my day

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robandheaps avatar image
robandheaps answered ·

yes i had the same with a dell and win11. disconnect from the internet. connect mk3, uninstall usb serial controller BUT make sure you tick 'attempt to remove driver for this device' otherwise it does not work. then remove mk3 usb, reinsert it and install driver from victron download. it worked! after hrs of trial and error this actually works. 1676367309909.png



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