
ret5hd avatar image
ret5hd asked

MultiPlus Compact 12/2000/80 setup question

Is it possible to connect the MultiPlus directly to my laptop using only a RJ45 cable? Or is it absolutely necessary to use the MK2-USB or MK3-USB adapter? My laptop has a RJ45 port, but the Victron videos ONLY mention using the USB adapters.

Multiplus-IIVEConfigure 3MK3
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

No, you cannot connect using just an RJ45 cable. The port on the MultiPlus is not ethernet, it is VE.Bus (based on RS485).
You need to use the MK2 or MK3 adapter.

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ret5hd avatar image ret5hd commented ·

Thank you.

How do I determine which one (MK2 or MK3) will work with my device?

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ ret5hd commented ·

If your MultiPlus is a new one, then use the MK3. The MK3 will work fine with firmware numbers: 19xxyyy / 20xxyyy or 26xxyyy / 27xxyyy
I've only had to break out my MK2 on a really old device with 18xxyyy firmware.

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