
djpollock avatar image
djpollock asked

12/2000 Mulitplus will not turn on or connect to MK3

I have (2) 12/2000 120v Mulitplus configured in parallel. I had turned off the mains and 12v supply today to do some work on the solar charge controllers, and now the slave unit will not turn on. It will also not be recognized by the MK3. The 3 lights flash and the red light illuminates if nothing is plugged in, but once a network cable is connected no lights illuminate and nothing happens. There is no clicking, no fuses have blown and I have 13.5 volts coming from the batteries. I also tried with 120v mains connected. I tried different ethernet cable. Please help; thank you.

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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Did you do the initial parallel programming?

Is the MK3 not showing the unit in the VE.Bus system configuration tool? Or VEConfigure? Or both?

It is possible to damage the communications card and VE.bus port if the systems are not isolated properly, and the negative cable is disconnected as described in this section of the parallel manual:

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djpollock avatar image djpollock commented ·

Sorry, I should have written my response here.

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djpollock avatar image
djpollock answered ·


Very helpful; thank you. Yes, I did the initial parallel programing via VEConfigure. The unit is now not showing up in either VE.Bus or VEConfigure.

I did disconnect the common negative wire before disconnecting the cable, but only after disconnecting the mains and the 12v battery. Would that still cause a problem?

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