After buy and install a 40A current sensor to mesure my PV production in the Multiplus II 48/3000/35-32 with Cerbo S GX
My victron device detected the sensor after plug it and programm it on the assistant.
AUX2, ALL DIP AT 0...)
But the mesured values stay fixed and are not be actualised ( 135W for exemple ).
Same problem with Temp sense / aux1 and aux2 input.
the current sensor correctly works.
So I test it with a pro amp injector case :
0 to 8A injection result good 0 to 4,5VDC variation at the current sensor output.
So I think the problem is not the sensor but the Aux port data who is not refresh.
If I unplug the current sensor the inverter not detect the unpluggin.
The only way to refresh values is to use the program import configuration page.
I dont know if it is a problem with VRM or the inverter firmware
I need your help, so if it not works i will install the ET112 power mesurement
My installation :
Screenshots :