
Eric Wilke avatar image
Eric Wilke asked

Malfunctioning DESS

8-8-24 and 9-8-24 Last night and today DESS ensured that my 2 Multiplus II installations did not discharge as planned, but the battery was charged during peak times, so I turned DESS off, it looks like a system error.

Everything works as before, I close the question.

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40 Answers
Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image
Barbara (Victron Energy) answered ·

Dear all,

The abnormalities in DESS should be resolved now. The cause was a problem with how DESS passes the SOC schedule to VRM.

If you do encounter another issue with DESS, please add your site ID and a screenshot of the DESS schedule graph, which makes it easier for the team to debug.

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·
@Barbara (Victron Energy) the schedule is OK but there still seems to be something wrong with the intermediate (15mins?) recalculations. As long as the system is following soc DESS is working fine. But if soc is changing during the hour, normally the schedules with the current/updated soc are loaded into the cerbo every 15mins I think?

In my case, DESS inverts to grid every day ending with 20% (low soc). But I have a mix of Enphase and MPPT RS. DC PV cannot be inverted to grid by the control loop during low soc state and will be force charged to battery.

But soc recalculations are now only done every hour? Once DC PV has charged to 23% soc the system will immediately start to invert back to target soc of 20%. It repeats that until the hour passes and if soc accidentally has 21% the schedule will start with 21% and all is good.

This is an old problem for me which I have fixed with a node-red flow. But it only needed to fix 15mins, not the full hour if I remember correctly.

I think it also explains some of the issues that I am reading here. Flipping the switch and watching DESS using an old forecast ?

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mableeker avatar image mableeker commented ·

site id c0619ab38510

discharging, soc is 12.6%, target soc in remote console is 28%, DESS schedule is “do nothing “.

not possible to include pictures and graphs…

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Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ mableeker commented ·

Your current setup has buy and sell price equal to each other and no solar. As a result, DESS schedules to use your battery only minimally. It will charge in 2 hours, at the lowest price point, so it can sell that energy at the highest price this evening.

What do you think is odd with DESS's plan for your site today?

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mableeker avatar image mableeker Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
The price settings are ok, battery costs too. The schedule if fine, but the system does not behave according to the schedule.

This morning for example, it should do nothing, but it is discharging full speed. The SOC was 12.6% and the target SOC was 28% in the remote console. So the action was drifting the SOC away from the target....

That's the issue, it starts out of nothing, it is ramdom.

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mableeker avatar image mableeker mableeker commented ·
16.40 hrs: discharging at full speed again, schedule says do nothing, SOC is 36.6%, target in remote console is 47%. So SOC is drifting away from target.

I turned DESS off right now, this is going nowhere.

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steamer avatar image steamer mableeker commented ·
Had the same experience, after enabling DESS it started discharging to the grid at full power at 15:07. Looks like it's still borked.
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mableeker commented ·

@mableeker How accurate is your 16:40?
When looking at the debug data, I see that you (briefly) disabled Dynamic ESS between 16:36 and 16:38, which resulted in that peak. If you didn't do that switching on purpose, please do let us know.

For easier debugging and the ability to putting screenshots in reports, please create a report on the new forum when problems occur. (See

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ikke050 avatar image ikke050 commented ·
seems not to work correct yet. at 11:45 the system start to discharge @20soc
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wb2 avatar image wb2 commented ·

Not optimal yet unfortunate. This morning I switched off DESS as I would like to use excessive AC coupled PV load to charge the battery. ( this is done more often manually as the AC-Coupled PV - feed in excess doesn't work for me, anyhow complete different topic)

I did switch DESS back on and it started to discharge immediately to grid with maximum output. Obviously there was a target soc much lower then the soc. This is new behavior since last week. Before this this didn't occur. You could switch DESS off and on without immediate heavy charge of discharge issues. Thanks

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·


@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) forecast ensured the battery charged at the lowest rate but “has changed its mind” and is now selling (16:09 from 92% to 89%). Have not touched the switch. So unless Barbara is working on the other issue I reported, this behavior is not correct.

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steamer avatar image
steamer answered ·

I had the same experience, yesterday after 21:00 it started to charge instead of discharge. I turned DESS off for the day. Enabling it today it started charging during peak times again.

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edor avatar image
edor answered ·

Same experience here with "Optimized w/o battery life". Did not unload at the peak yesterday 22.00, but started next day loading at relatively high price, followed by unloading at the same price a few hrs later. Than started charging during peak times with a strange battery forecast.

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ronbeton avatar image
ronbeton answered ·

I experienced the same behaviour. I have reset the whole system and re-added the system to VRM. Still it is acting very strange. I have disabled DESS for now.

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prein avatar image
prein answered ·

Same here. When I look at the target SOC in my system, it is not the same as VRM. It is 57%, and that's why it is acting strange. at 16h it was 87% for some minutes (the right value in my case), so the system started charging at the lowest price. But 7 minutes later, the target soc gets adjusted to 57%. It started happening yesterday evening, and now again.

@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) @mvader (Victron Energy) is there a bug going on? do we have to disable DESS for the weekend?

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rikhf avatar image rikhf commented ·

This is exactly what is happening here as well. @Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) Help! Totale paniek hier! ;)

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke rikhf commented ·
Ik zou DESS tot nader order even uitzetten en handbediening gebruiken, nu word jullie kennis getest.
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edor avatar image edor Eric Wilke commented ·

Het laden lukt me wel (Min SOC naar 100% of Keep Battery Charged), maar zorg ik ervoor dat er alleen ontladen wordt bij bijv. hoge prijzen?

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke edor commented ·
in DVCC de maximum charge voltage verlagen naar het minimum van je accu bank. morgenochtend dan weer verhogen naar de juiste waarde. Je kan ook DESS tijdelijk aan en uitzetten, om 19uur aan maar opletten dat je na 22uur weer uitzet.
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prein avatar image prein Eric Wilke commented ·
Beter om dess uit te zetten en is ess je grid setpoint in te stellen naar -10000W (of iets anders). Dan hoef je niet aan je cvl settings te zitten.
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edor avatar image edor prein commented ·
En dan stopt ie op de minimum SoC?
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ikke050 avatar image ikke050 edor commented ·
ja dan stopt hij op min soc.
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prein avatar image prein rikhf commented ·
I Think Dirk Jan is on a well deserved holiday. Hopefully there is somone else at Victron that can help
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Thanks. Took some time to get my internal battery charged. :)

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rikhf avatar image rikhf prein commented ·
Yes he deserves it indeed. He made a very nice system!
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edor avatar image edor commented ·
Maybe it is possible to restore the situation or setting from a few days ago? All was working fine till yesterday evening.
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ernie314 avatar image
ernie314 answered ·

Our DESS system is also acting up strange. The planning with the coloured bars looks ok. But for some reason it is using the wrong SoC target when it should be charging or discharging.

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nwametze avatar image
nwametze answered ·

Same issue here, hopefully there will be an explanation or fix soon :)

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ikke050 avatar image
ikke050 answered ·

here this the same..

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Harold Halewijn avatar image
Harold Halewijn answered ·

The problems are since Thursday evening (gmt). I've send screenshots of various sites to the development team but due to vacation I don't expect a respons until Monday. Best is to switch off DESS and come back on Monday afternoon.

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john245 avatar image john245 commented ·
@Harold Halewijn Monday afternoon is over. Any news to share? In which stage are we of the problem solving process?
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onur-b avatar image
onur-b answered ·

I must say I am very puzzled; there is no code change in the latest release is from July 2nd. Can anyone point me to the repo which might be responsible for this issue? Or are there also closed-source repos?

I switch off DESS right after the most expensive hour and on again right before, otherwise the batteries are charged when the price is high regardless there is good solar production.

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samurai avatar image samurai commented ·
The software is acting on information pulled from the victron servers. So, yes there is closed source software in use.
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anonimoes avatar image
anonimoes answered ·

Same problem here, the forecast seems to be okay, but it does not adhere to it an seems to be charging/discharging quite randomly.

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keeskazio avatar image
keeskazio answered ·

Morning! mijn Dess doet ook heel raar
ontladen op het hele uur begrint hij voor 10 minuten te ontladen en op het hele uur:10min begint hij volop te laden voor 10 minuten

planning was ontladen in de ochtend tot 7 uur
daarna 10uur tot 15 uur laden
dit gebeurde:
1:00 ontladen tot 1:10
1:10 laden tot 1:20
2:00 ontlanden tot 2:10
2:10 laden tot 2:20
dit patroon herhaalt zich tot 8:20
daarna schijnt het beter te worden maar niet zoals planning

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keeskazio avatar image
keeskazio answered ·

Morning! for english:
my Dess is also acting very strange discharging on the hour it starts discharging for 10 minutes and on the hour:10min it starts charging fully for 10 minutes example: planning was discharging in the morning until 7 o'clock then 10 o'clock to 15 o'clock charging this happened: 1:00 discharging until 1:10 1:10 charging until 1:20 2:00 discharging until 2:10 2:10 charging until 2:20 this pattern repeats until 8:20 after that it seems to get better but not as planned

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wb2 avatar image
wb2 answered ·

Morning, Same unexpected behavior here since last week indeed. Switching back to manual.

It should discharge at 0600 to 0800 this morning also according the schedule. What it did instead was going with 12kW charge to a target SOC which doesn't make sense. Instead of discharging it was charging.

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ronaldt avatar image
ronaldt answered ·

I checked DESS with Node-Red and the Normal one. The Node-Red implementation looks okay, the Normal one looks strange with loading and unloading in the same hours.
So I decided to switch back to Node-Red and it works as expected.
Unfortunately I can not upload images or files because that results in an error, but that must be unrelated :)
Update 13-8: Node Red seems to have the same issue. The planning looks good, but the execution is bad.

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ronbeton avatar image ronbeton commented ·
I can confirm this. Running the node-red implementation does still work.
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wb2 avatar image wb2 commented ·

Hi, also have issues with pasting/inserting images here )-:

Is indeed not related.

I think I'll start with Node-Red as well however is not for common DESS users. Looking at Node-Red, some basics needs to be understood before acting. Will give this a try and preferably DESS from Victron should work perfect.(-:

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het-licht avatar image
het-licht answered ·

Same problems here. Tried a firmware update to 3.41 but no avail. Switched DESS of for now because yesterday did cost money because selling and buying on the wrong moments.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·

malfunctioning DESS, read the list, there is a problem

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ernie314 avatar image
ernie314 answered ·

Has anyone heard anything from Victron yet? It is now day 5 of manually charging and discharging.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·

Nope, nice weather en Holidays :)

remember 19:00 our discharge time until 22:00 our

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Peter avatar image Peter commented ·

And you could test GbbOptimizer in the meantime :-)

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ikke050 avatar image ikke050 commented ·
no news yet.. I except caused by the holiday season..

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke ikke050 commented ·

It's discharge time again, luckily I'm in control

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marceldb avatar image marceldb Eric Wilke commented ·
Don't juich too vroeg
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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

What Venus OS are you on? Since Venus OS 3.40 I lost manual control to buy and sell.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·
Venus beta 3.50~13, but there is a mallfunction in DESS
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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

So you are forcing to sell by turning on DESS. Not by choosing sell mode in Venus OS. Because I'm also on beta 3.50~13 but there also is no setting to buy or sell.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·

That's right, in this newer OS the buy and sell buttons have been removed, which is a shame. I turned off DESS and increased and decreased the DVCC voltage of the battery to achieve the same result.

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Dennis Leth Andersen avatar image
Dennis Leth Andersen answered ·

I have the same issue regarding selling with DESS. At high prices it refuse to sell. It has been a problem the last days. Before I could force to sell in the old Venus update. But this option is removed, sadly. I would like to make a schedule for selling instead. Like schedule charging.

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anonimoes avatar image anonimoes commented ·

I used the grid setpoint to force a discharge tonight (in my case, set it to -4000W), worked perfectly!

By now also the price prediction is not available anymore, but I guess this has to do with DESS being disabled for >24h now...

It would be nice if we would hear anything from Victron staff about this problem!

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) can you please bring back the sell and buy option?

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ronaldt avatar image
ronaldt answered ·

I thought that running DESS Node red would fix the issue. The prediction in Node red looks good. But now the system is charging with 12000W from the grid in a battery on 36% SOC where the target SOC is 26% in Node red. I have tried Green Mode, but same issues.
In the Remote console it shows Target SOC 48%. Don't know where that is coming from, but I guess that the problem is over there.
All I can do is switch it off and wait for a fix.

Probably related I get the following error: Gateway - DESS error code: No matching schedule available. This error can be found in the error log where I see a list of them starting on the 3rd of August. They get solved in sometimes 30 minutes but also 14 to 22 hours.

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rikhf avatar image
rikhf answered ·

@Harold Halewijn Did you get any reply from Victron? I think it is a little concerning that they do not respond to this topic whatsoever. Many people use DESS an a lot are on holidays and maybe not seeing the issues so they loose a lot of money. Of course we all need holidays every now and than also our Victron friends but all at the same time? @mvader (Victron Energy) @Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy)

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Harold Halewijn avatar image
Harold Halewijn answered ·

Yes, people have been looking into it and I just received a message from Dirk-Jan.

They are working on it.

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rikhf avatar image rikhf commented ·
Ok, thank you Harold.
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Harold Halewijn avatar image Harold Halewijn rikhf commented ·
Problem has been found and a fix has been deployed. A description will pe posted by Victron members later.
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

As Harold mentioned, we are working on it.
About an hour ago we pushed out an update that should fix the cause. We are monitoring that closely.

Also sorry for the delays. With the vacation period, there are fewer people around and not everything gets picked up as quickly as usually.

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onur-b avatar image onur-b commented ·

I have just re-activated DESS and "DESS error code: No matching schedule available" alert got triggered.

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 onur-b commented ·
I get this same problem only when using the node-red version. VRM works but injects odd/old forecasts.
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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·
Anything special we need to look for ? As soon as I turn it back on, it dumps an old forecast into sched0 which is way below current soc and matches the forecast graph in VRM.
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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·
VRM version is back online. During the "outage" I tried using the node-red version but continue to get half hour schedules into the future causing the no matching schedule error.

double checked timezone settings, location settings and region NL config in the DESS node. All good.

Ah well.. something to worry about later I guess.

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

For this update, does DESS has to be on? How do I know I received the update?

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This update is on our servers, you don't need to change anything.
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switchinggreen avatar image
switchinggreen answered ·

The system is still not working as expected.

I tried to upload a screenshot...

I am using green mode, and the system is putting power on the grid at the moment.


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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·

They are working on it.

Temporarily disable Dess until Victron people give the green light.

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

After the update it looked promising. The prediction was selling from 19.00 - 21.00 hr (highest price of the day). Then it shifted to 21.00 - 00.00 hr. After selecting trade mode it shifted back to 19.00 - 21.00 hr. This is not good.

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wb2 avatar image wb2 commented ·

I have the same and to me this looks OK so far. In trade mode: From 19.00 to 21.00 full battery to grid. Followed by battery to consumption until 00.00

(It's a pity we can't paste screenprint in the message.) Get an error message: Parsing response failed when inserting or pasting. Is a different topic though)

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ wb2 commented ·

Unfortunately the current community platform is broken, despite best efforts to resolve.

You can always open a topic on the new forum, under transition, which will work.

(there is probably a topic already)

Details on the modifications section.

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Arie Kraan avatar image
Arie Kraan answered ·

Hi, i still see suboptimal schedules for tomorrow and also later this evening GRID to consumption with a battery SoC of 58%

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

Here a target soc of 100% (when soc is 99%). So no discharging at 19.00 hr. I turned DESS off again.

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Hi @ton-gans, I noticed you turned DESS back on and the schedule for your site looks logical to me. Let me know if there is anything out of the ordinary.
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ton-gans avatar image ton-gans Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·

Hi Barbara, thanks for looking at my site. There was something strange tho. I turned on balancing. Then the sell prediction went away and instead of that, VRM decided to do grid for consumption for a couple of hours (although soc is at 100% and I have enabled charge battery from grid restrictions on). And the predicted discharge disappeared. After I turned of balancing, then discharging from 18.00 - 23.00. But I don't like that because my SOC is set to 30%. And it looks it wants to discharge to 30%. Target SOC is at this moment ...

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Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ ton-gans commented ·

Hi, when you turn on balancing, and balancing is 'due', it will use the grid for consumption to keep your batteries balanced at 100% for some time.

My advice for a valid test would be to not toggle battery balancing on and off too much. So to turn balancing on and give DESS some time to balance your battery and then get back into trading energy.

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ikke050 avatar image
ikke050 answered ·

Here it's still not working little after 9 pm it's start charging from the grid. Turned dess off again..

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Hi, I noticed you switched it back on in the meantime. Hopefully DESS works OK for you again.
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ikke050 avatar image ikke050 Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
Today it seems to work properly.. the prediction looks good..
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rikhf avatar image
rikhf answered ·

Same here, still not working. I turned it off as well.

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Hi @RikHf , the schedule for your site for today looks logical - charging the battery with solar at lower price hours, to sell later at a higher price.

Would love to hear your feedback after it has been switched on again.

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rikhf avatar image rikhf Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
Yes it did work out very well yesterday. DESS was running like clockwork. Keep up the good work! Thanks @Barbara (Victron Energy)
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john245 avatar image
john245 answered ·

Also turned it off. Correct schedule was there. But schedule was not respected.

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Hi, I saw you switched it on again in the meantime. Let me know if there is any more feedback.
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john245 avatar image john245 Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
@Barbara (Victron Energy) Probably not related to the issues of last week. But the dashboard is not showing the SoC for tomorrow. Using Chrome latest as browser.
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john245 avatar image john245 Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
Currently it is working as expected. Will report in case of issues.
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oskar avatar image
oskar answered ·

Seems like they have removed the manual possibilty to Sell/Buy in the Remote control. The DESS in the latest version do no sell in peak price 0,13 Euro in morning when I have 70% battery and full day of sun is coming with 0 Euro prices.

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Hi @Oskar , we did indeed. I understand it feels nice to have that type of control in your hands, especially if the system has a flaw like it had yesterday. However, we noticed that less than 1% of the DESS users were using those modes, and when they did, they were under the wrong assumption as to what it does. What's worse, DESS as a whole performed worse when a user switches between 'buy' 'sell' and 'auto' modes, compared to having it on 'auto' continuously.

I just checked your site, and see that DESS is planning to sell energy from your battery this evening, at the highest price. I see your concern about this morning, but considering battery costs and the peak price only being there for one hour, DESS favors the point this evening.

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oskar avatar image oskar Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
Thanks Barbara for the answer. I often need to turn off DESS due to it seams like it do not calculate with the consumption next day. Like yesterday it emptied the battery nice on the highest price hours, but I needed to turn it off due to it wanted to empty it down to SOC 20%. That would cause me to buy all night and on price morning (my buy cost is nearly all the time higher then Sell).

Would be nice if DESS calculated for that also or if we could chose a DESS SOC level like 50%. Under that level the DESS is not allowed to sell. And then you still have the normal SOC.

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john245 avatar image
john245 answered ·

System is indicating "Het balanceren van de accu staat voor vandaag gepland." for multiple days.

Even when I disable this in settings the message will not disappear.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Did the battery get to 100% or does its SOC stop lower? If the battery, for example, only peaks at 96%, then the balancing will remain scheduled as it needs to hit 100% for the configured duration to clear. There is a separate topic on this subject.
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john245 avatar image john245 nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Will search for the topic. It hits 100% almost every day here.
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Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ john245 commented ·
Hi John,

We will correct that when the setting is switched off, it stops showing the message.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·
Klopt is al een tijdje gaande, maakt niet uit of je aan of uitzet ze worden gebalanceerd volgens het overzicht. Maar mijn JK-BMS's zijn toch eerder aanzet.
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Eric Wilke avatar image
Eric Wilke answered ·

I have 2 installations, and both turned on DESS again, but while the purchase price is high and the sun is shining, it just charges the battery at full throttle. Unfortunately, I'm back to manual control. I now miss the buy and sell buttons quite a bit, I would like to see them return to the Control menu.

Uploading images is still not possible

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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·

Cannot explain what is different from last week but for me VRM DESS is working and the schedules are loaded.

If you check on the dbus you can see new schedules are not loaded when you flip the DESS switch back on. The timestamp from sched0 is old (in my case from earlier attempts yesterday).

I turned the DESS switch off AND I turned DESS off in settings. Waited a bit and turned it all back on. That did result in a current timestamp for sched0 but the schedule still did not contain the current soc causing it to charge at full speed. I injected restrictions into the schedule to prevent it from charging from grid and waited for new values. When the hour passed it started charging again as sched1 did not have the restrictions. Corrected that, continued the wait and a few mins later new schedules were loaded with the correct values.

I have various flows to correct some things that are apparently unique to my system so I know a thing or two about overwriting restrictions or strategy if needed and the need to reapply a few times to make it last. Up till last week I could turn DESS off and on easily if needed. Something must still be wrong. Update frequency ?

Glad it works now as Victron staff is not the only one taking vacation. Simply switching back to ESS is not the answer for everyone. In my case people are using the EV chargers.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke kudos50 commented ·

Turning off DESS is the settings and waiting a while and then turning it back on has a good result for me, now let's see if it behaves as planned again. Unfortunately, I also have to charge an EV.

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mableeker avatar image mableeker commented ·
I have also 2 systems, allmost identical, except for 1 is multiplus ii gx and 2 is multiplus ii with cerbo. Behavior is not identical, sometimes 1 is discharging away from target soc, sometimes 2 is discharging away from target soc. This starts out of nothing, in the midle of an hour….
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kudos50 avatar image kudos50 commented ·

About buy and sell. Haven't tested it but maybe only the controls are gone ? DESS has various modes. We now only use 0, 1 and 4. Could be 2 and 3 still work in the code and you can simply inject them using node-red or modbus using HomeAssistant.

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ikke050 avatar image ikke050 commented ·

turned dess on at 10:30 again, follow the panning delivers 100% back to the grid and at 11 start charging the batteries at 50% and 50% to the grid

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switchinggreen avatar image
switchinggreen answered ·

Hey, my system is still not working as inspected.

Soc is 17 procent, price is low and not charging.

Also last night the system was not using the battery, but using the grid instead.

Can you please advise?



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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke commented ·

I gave up and disabled DESS, alternatively in the settings, ESS I created a schedule for charging and discharging. Unfortunately I can't show any pictures, that still doesn't work, the picture presenter is also on holiday! :(

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ikke050 avatar image ikke050 Eric Wilke commented ·
Here it worked today as predicted.. but still check it several times a day..
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wb2 avatar image wb2 Eric Wilke commented ·

Yesterday evening switched of DESS again. Charging as scheduled and executed from +1400 to 1600 and discharging from +1900 to 2200 scheduled. Then the discharge schedule disapeared during the charging in the graph. )-; Did a manual discharge therefore.

This morning DESS on again and let’s see it keeps the scheduled charge and discharge for today.

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Arie Kraan avatar image Arie Kraan wb2 commented ·
Here the same issue last evening. I switched off DESS and set the system to "SELL" manually for some hours (21-23hours)
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Arie Kraan commented ·
I notice that your system is running v3.30 as firmware. Can you upgrade to the latest stable (v3.41)?

This it to make sure that we are not looking into problems that have already been fixed.

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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke wb2 commented ·

Tried again yesterday evening with DESS on, but it still unexpectedly charges again during peak time. Now turned it on again this morning, let's see what DESS will do, especially for what is now planned.

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Eric Wilke commented ·
I see you switched it off again, while to me it seemed to follow the planning. What is the reason why you switched it off again?
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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

If all goes well, Dess is on today, and I want to leave it that way, this afternoon and now in the evening he is following the schedule neatly. I can see it this weekend and try not to touch it anymore. I'm switching to the new forum, thanks for watching. and have a good weekend.

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@WB2 What is your site id?
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wb2 avatar image wb2 Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Bedankt en bij deze: c0619ab31f77


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It is a bit hard to check because the system did get switched on and off quite frequently the last week. So won't exclude that I am overlooking something. To me your system seems to follow the target SOC quite nicely.

It probably doesn't help if you can't put screenshots in this thread. If you have a clear point where it goes wrong, I propose moving to the new community platform where we have that functionality again.

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wb2 avatar image wb2 Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
@Eric Wilke @Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy)

As Eric raised the ticket up to him I think if he wants to move to the new platform.

Curious as the majority of the issues seems to be from NLD, is this area specific or are we early adapters? On e.g Facebook no hits or whatever.


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What is your site ID?
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Eric Wilke avatar image Eric Wilke Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Dag Dirk-Jan, site ID is 48e7da896733

Ik heb DESS vanmorgen weer aangezet, tot nu toe houd hij zich aan het plan, mogelijk vanavond aanzien of dat zo blijft.

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

My site didn't discharge yesterday evening at the scheduled hours. So I played around with Node-Red but could not force it to discharge. At the end I downgraded to Venus OS large 3.34. Now I have the manual buttons again to charge and discharge. I will see what VRM will do tonight. It predicts it will discharge from 19.00-23.00 hr.

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Can you switch to the latest firmware version again? I am looking into the data why the discharge didn't happen on your system.
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ton-gans avatar image ton-gans Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Dirk-Jan, switched to V3.41
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As you are running in Green mode (which only sells excess solar), I am fairly sure it won't start discharging this evening. The graphs are wrong in suggesting that it will discharge.

We are looking into why the graph is showing the planned discharge.

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ton-gans avatar image ton-gans Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks for looking into it.

What precisely do you mean with excess solar. More solar than what?

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ ton-gans commented ·

With Dynamic ESS in green mode, the solar that is not used for consumption is going to the battery. Only when the battery is fully charged, the solar will be sold, not before that. It won't actively sell from the battery.

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ton-gans avatar image ton-gans Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Ok, that will almost always be for a low selling price. But normally it has to discharge/sell to make "room" so the next day the battery can be charged again.
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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·


Can it be that the problem is that there is no Target SOC in the Cerbo GX?

When it should discharge, the Target SOC is ... (so it has no value).

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I am not sure if I understand what you mean. Where would you expect to see it? (A screenshot would be nice)

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wb2 avatar image wb2 Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) that's is an issue that we can't add any screenprint or upload anything here (Parsing response failed message) Is already noticed and mentioned a few times. arwin

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I missed that, though I am quite sure that won't get fixed (we are migrating to a new platform for community
Probably easier to put the screenshots there.

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ton-gans avatar image
ton-gans answered ·

Settings--->ESS ---> Dynamic ESS (Cerbo GX).

There you can see the mode it is in and Target SOC

(upload screenshot not possible)

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Dynamic ESS - manual

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