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billymac asked

Lynx Distributor and MPII 2x120 with 4/0 5/16 Terminal Lugs - they don't fit...Arghhh

Gosh there's always something, isn't there? Selterm 4/0 5/16 lug terminals don't fit inside the Lynx distributor. I haven't unboxed my MPII yet, but am hoping that's not an issue too.

I thought, oh, I'll google and someone's been here done that, but there aren't really any solutions I see outside of grinding down the lugs--along with a divide for and against doing so. I've yet to crimp, but I don't believe that's going to gain me much. Every 4/0 5/16 lug pad I've googled has a 1in pad. It's not just the pad though, it's also the width at the barrel taper. It interferes with the plastic casing for the cable separators. I realize I could utilize the end of the bus bar and slap a MRBF terminal fuse, but I'd prefer to have it enclosed and use a Mega fuse as I've read that's best practice. Looking for some guidance please. It would be much appreciated.

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