
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image

Launch of the Lynx DC Distribution documentation manual - Feedback needed

Hello Community,

I have just published the Lynx DC distribution manual

I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions for how it could be made better or clearer, or any questions you have that it doesn't answer.

Thanks, Guy

lynx shuntdc system
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) You refer to 22mm diameter entry points. Can you clarity if it is 22mm square or 4AWG or 5mm diameter? Regards Etienne

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5 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Thanks to @Mark@lowlec, @Michael Riley, for their patience, persistence and (potentially unintentional) contribution.

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Michael Riley avatar image
Michael Riley answered ·

Hi Guy,

Sorry for the lack of responses over the last six or so months. We have been sailing our catamaran THOR around the South Pacific and are now getting ourselves organised again as we are back in Australia and have some cost-effective data plans on our mobile.

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natebert avatar image
natebert answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

I wanted to add that we have been successfully using this 'Batteries on the Right' configuration with our Ve.Can shunt.

It required swapping the Red and White fuse sense wires on the top fuse holder.
It also required swapping the Orange, Green and Black wires on the shunt (to properly report the now reversed flow).

We've been using this configuration for almost 2 years now.

Factory (batteries on the left):

Adjusted (batteries on the right):

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Very nice!

I will add it to the manual, thanks.

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tony-c avatar image
tony-c answered ·

Hi Guy, i think it is worth mentioning that the red led light up on the unused spots if there isn't a fuse in place. i installed a thin jumper wire in lieu of an expensive fuse to stop red warning, I don't like seeing warning light if there is nothing to worry about

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, is this with the Lynx BMS possible too?

Best regards Robert

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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