I have a Multiplus 5000/24/120. 2x MPPT, BMV700, 400Ah Lipo4, CCGX.
the system has been working in ESS for several years no problem. Then about 8 weeks ago one night the house went black. I found the 25A breaker rhat feeds the Multi grid power tripped. I reset it and it stayed set but no power to the house. Since then the inverter just wont start.
I took the Multiplus to a victron certified repairer and they said nothing wrong.
I reinstalled and found batteries were out of balance so reballanced, installed a new BMS and still the inverter wont invert.
I have reloaded the config but made no difference.
I have run out of ideas. It should work but wont.
the multiplus just stays in bypass. I called an electrician who said he was an expert and he told me the inverter output was dead short!
any ideas, suggestions?
thank you in advance.