
randolf avatar image
randolf asked

Multiplus II 3000 GX External Current Sensor Error 24

Good Evening Victron Community,

I have installed a Multiplus II GX in a topology with all Non-Critical Loads upstream of the AC Input. Critical Loads on AC Output 1 as usual.

When installing the External current sensor on the Main Circuit and returning from an Outage the Inverter gave an Error 24 related to the backfeed relay.

Although the error makes sense to me regarding it seeing Current (from the external sensor) while it was expecting no current (Ac-In relay open) I would think that selecting the External Current Sensor Connected tick box in VEConfigure would tell it to ignore this discrepancy?

I have since removed the Current Sensor (and unticked the tick box) and have tested the exact same outage successfully without Error24.

Although this post mostly serves as a possible bug flag, I would like to end it with a question.

Would it be possible for me to install a three phase Grid Meter upstream of the AC Input and non critical loads (Carlo Gavazzi 65A) instead of the Current Sensor and still avoid this Error 24 Situation?

If yes, would I be able to add an unpowered USB hub onto the USB port to have both an external Wifi adapter and USB to RS485 adapter on the GX portion in order to connect the Grid Meter?

Kind Regards

Randolf Wenhold

Multiplus-IIEnergy Metererrorgx device
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4 Answers
rhillebrand avatar image
rhillebrand answered ·

Thr problem was the checkbox in Ve.Configure / Inverter / External Sensor was not activated... i see under error 24 the update this if anyone other search and the will find here

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


This issue was fixed in firmware 462:


· For MultiPlus-II only. Solves the issue of spontaneous E24 errors when an external current sensor is used.

on your other questions:

Would it be possible for me to install a three phase Grid Meter upstream of the AC Input and non critical loads (Carlo Gavazzi 65A) instead of the Current Sensor and still avoid this Error 24 Situation?


If yes, would I be able to add an unpowered USB hub onto the USB port to have both an external Wifi adapter and USB to RS485 adapter on the GX portion in order to connect the Grid Meter?

-maybe...I think it will work, if you experience problems, use a powered hub.

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rhillebrand avatar image
rhillebrand answered ·


I have a multiplus 2 48/5000 in operation on a 96kwh power storage OPSZ. Without grid used. Battery is mostly in the range of 95% -98%. Currently, the following behavior if I pull out 650 watts and then add a consumer who briefly draws 500 watts switching current (pc power supply) after 2 seconds 120 watts, the inverter switches to bus error 24.

now i have read this thread and have also removed the jack plug "Current Sensors" on the inverter, now there is no more error 24 and i can pull out the expected datasheet.

Multiplus 2 48/5000 used firmware 470

octa GX

BMV - 700




ich habe einen multiplus 2 48/5000 inbetrieb an einem 96kwh stromspeicher OPSZ. Without Grid used. Battery ist immer meistens im berreich von 95%-98%. Derzeit folgendes verhalten wenn ich 650watt rausziehe und geb dann einen verbraucher dazu der kurz 500 watt einschalt strom zieht(pc-netzteil) nach 2 sec 120watt, schaltet der wechselrichter auf busfehler 24.

nun hab ich diesen thread gelesen, und habe ebenfalls den klinken stecker "Current Sensors" am wechselrichter entfernt, jetzt kommt kein fehler 24 mehr und ich kann rausziehen expected datasheet.

Multiplus 2 48/5000 verwendete Firmware 470
octa GX
BMV - 700

Best Greets

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rhillebrand avatar image
rhillebrand answered ·

any update ?

same is on firmware 470

How can it be possible that the current sensor can still trigger error 24 when it is plugged in? It strikes me as the closer this cable is to live 230 volt lines, the faster it triggers.

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