
blond2silver avatar image
blond2silver asked

Multiplus parameter for "shutdown on SOC" when CCGX is gateway, and BMV-712 is battery monitoring source

Hello, Does anyone know if by enabling, and setting the Multiplus "shutdown on SOC" is integrated with the CCGX or Venus as a gateway, and when the BMV-712 is the battery monitoring SOC source?

For example, I'd like to enable the Multi parameter for "shutdown on SOC" to 20/20 without configuring the Multi capability as a battery monitor, which would be redundant, and in that the BMV-712 is the battery monitor source of choice.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You have to activate the battery monitor in the multi and the "sync SOC with VE.Bus" option at the CCGX.

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PeterM avatar image PeterM commented ·

"sync SOC with VE.Bus " - I dont have that option - I have only the following - will "automatic" sync SOC or must I used BMV on VE Direct?

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blond2silver avatar image
blond2silver answered ·

Thanks M.Lange... Understood, albeit the BMV-712 is a more accurate battery monitor in that I do have significant DC loads that the Multiplus I would think just can't monitor - in othewords, the Multi's battery monitor is designed to calculate SOC for what the Multi consumes - is that correct? So the "syncronize VE.bus with SOC" is on already. Hopefully this means the BMV-712 is the source battery monitor for syncronization, else the SOC parameters within the Multiplus will be in-accurate. Is that a correct statement?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

That's correct the SOC of the selected battery monitor will sync with VE.Bus and overwrite the Mults internal battery monitor.

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