
seamaster avatar image
seamaster asked

Quattro two will not Restart from Cerbo GX

I have Quattro II that is working perfectly well and is being detected and controllable from the Cerbo GX. The problem happens when in the evening I turn off the Quattro, so it does not use energy and I want to prevent it from making buzzing noise which I think is normal for those units. Anyhow, in the morning when I try to turn it on from the GX, it will not turn on. I will go to my phone Bluetooth app and I see it stuck and saying “initializing “. (See picture below. )The only way I have found to re-enable it without going to the physical switch is to go to the Bluetooth on my phone and toggle it off/on from there. Once I do that it eventually comes to life and I have full control on the Cerbo GX again.


Does that happen to somebody else and is there a solution for that problem?

cerbo gxVE.Bus Smart DongleQuattro-II
img-4659.png (125.3 KiB)
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


That is not a cerbo screenshot but a ve bus dongle screenshot.

Is all the firmware on all victron devices up to date? Remove it from the smart network you have it attached to and try again.

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seamaster avatar image seamaster commented ·

I don’t think I mentioned it is Cerbo GX screen shot. Providing this screenshot was the best way to indicate what’s going on.

All devices are up-to-date with their firmware .

When you say remove from the smart network, what do you mean remove the dongle from the smart network?

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Related Resources

Cerbo GX product page

GX family product range

Cerbo GX & GX Touch datasheet

Cerbo GX Manual

Venus root access document

Quattro II Product page

Quattro II Online Manual

Pre-RMA bench test instructions.

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