
d-graves avatar image
d-graves asked

Ve.can rj45 terminators ~ what for?

Hi, no clear instructions in any manual what to do with the 2 terminators supplied with easysolar 2 48v 5000 unit? I have used 1 ve.can socket on left hand side for bms cable to battery.... one next to it is empty and 2 on right hand side labelled ve.bus are empty... What is needed to be done please, thanks

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2 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @D Graves

Any CAN network is a daisy chain network and should end on both ends with a terminator.

Those two CAN connectors are in fact sharing the same signals in order for you to easy connect a device in a daisy chain.

So if your Easysolar is at one end of the network, plug the empty CAN socket with a terminator. If not, connect it to the next equipment.

The same on the other end. See below. The red ones in the second picture are terminators.



VE.Bus it's a RS485 network with such speed that its bit time is substantially longer than the loop time of the cable. So it doesn't need end terminators.



can.jpg (14.5 KiB)
can2.jpg (5.2 KiB)
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d-graves avatar image
d-graves answered ·

Hi Alex, a daisy chain was referred to in the manual as well, but no clear examples. I am still a little unclear, so i will check: Do I put one terminator next to the cable i have plugged in to the battery and then 1 terminator into the second and last battery slot labelled CAN? (and the two batteries are connected together through the RS485 sockets with a network cable?)

What happens if no terminators are put in? no comms? or still works? thanks

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

You should read the battery manual about that.

On the Victron side you should plug in one terminator.

Often it also works without a termination but it is more stable with.

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