
cc5084 avatar image
cc5084 asked

Multiplus Recommended Battery Capacity

After reading through the 12/3000/120 multiplus inverter manual, can anyone clue me into why it call for a recommended battery capacity of 400Ah-1200Ah. Obviously it states to utilize the full functionality of the product, but what exactly is being limited/diminished if a smaller battery bank is used?

battery chargingmultiplus ve.businverter current draw
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2 Answers
delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

At full load you will be drawing approx 250A from your battery. If the capacity is too small that will cause a massive dip in battery voltage, potentially shutting the inverter down on low battery voltage.

You will not be able to charge a smaller battery at the maximum rate possible for the opposite reason (it would push the voltage too high).

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theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

Most 400Ah batteries, lead, gel, or LFP, can handle 3000W/12V=250A continuous current. Although 400Ah is not much when the Multiplus has loads up to 3000W. Certainly not lead-acid batteries, which do not like long-term high discharges. I think that's why Victron mentioned the 400Ah-1200Ah, that 1200Ah gives a bit more space. Nevertheless it's always possible to increase the batterycapacity obove this 1200Ah.

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